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17 votes
1 answer

Do characters provoke opportunity attack when they leave another character's reach who is not facing them?

"You can make an opportunity attack when a hostile creature that YOU CAN SEE moves out of your reach." In 5E do you have to specify which way your character is facing at all times? If an enemy who ...
LordAo's user avatar
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1 answer

Do I provoke an opportunity attack when moving in and out of range of a creature in the same turn?

Let's say I'm 10ft away from an enemy. In my turn, I choose to move 5ft to get close enough to attack, I do attack, then I use my remaining movement to move out of range of the enemy. Does this still ...
Nicholas's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

When using a reach weapon, which squares around me can I attack?

Considering a medium creature, with 5ft of reach, wielding a reach weapon such as a longspear. By the rules: With a typical reach weapon, you can strike opponents 10 feet away, but you can't strike ...
leokhorn's user avatar
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7 answers

How would combat work without opportunity attacks?

Opportunity attacks have a long history in the world of tabletop games and D&D in particular. 3.5e/PF both had an exhaustive list of actions which can or can not trigger an OA. Various games have ...
enkryptor's user avatar
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28 votes
2 answers

If a Gnome is riding a Dragonborn who is riding a horse, who can be targeted when the horse provokes an opportunity attack?

We have a gnome fighter and a dragonborn bard in our campaign. The gnome sometimes gets in a makeshift sling on the dragonborn's back to shoot arrows at enemies during combat. Thus far I've considered ...
lightcat's user avatar
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2 answers

Does moving into an opponent's square generate an Attack of Opportunity when you do so with a 5-foot step?

This question is relevant specifically to creatures with a reach equal to 0', as they have to go into opponents' squares in order to attack. From Big and Little Creatures in Combat: Tiny, ...
Balacertar's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Can a creature using a movement ability that "does not cause AoO" forfeit the protection and draw the AoO?

There are some movement abilities that allow one to move without drawing an AoO (Attack of Opportunity). However, it may be tactically advantageous to draw that AoO, but one can be restricted only to ...
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

If a PC Levitates an opponent away, does the PC get an Opportunity Attack against them? [duplicate]

As we understand Levitation, even involuntary movement by an opponent can trigger an Opportunity Attack. Does that mean that even the wizard who cast the spell get an Opportunity Attack against an ...
Praxiteles's user avatar