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For questions about aspects in tabletop RPGs, particularly those that use the Fate role-playing game system. The Fate engine uses these pithy phrases to define character, place, object, and scenario attributes.

19 votes

Do advantages in Fate Core just "wear off?"

You start at the beginning: Fate points represent those moments in the fiction when an Aspect of the story becomes prominent. If you're spending a Fate point on "My Father's Sword," it's because the f …
Jadasc's user avatar
  • 56k
16 votes

Can you put high-power aspects on starting characters in Fate Core?

I appreciate the thing you're trying to do, and yes, Fate is pretty good at handling these kinds of Aspects. … Then, moving on from there, Aspects shouldn't replace things like Stunts or Skills, they should complement them. …
Jadasc's user avatar
  • 56k
10 votes

Do players have to roll to discover an obvious aspect?

As the scene unfolds, players might suggest features of the environment that are perfect as aspects. … Aspects like these, as with other combat advantages, last as long as the fiction requires them to (p.170), which could be a single action. …
Jadasc's user avatar
  • 56k
8 votes

If someone is "Out of Ammo," can they still shoot until compelled?

The opening premise, which is cited as a fundamental building block of FATE CORE, is that aspects remain true whether invoked or not. …
Jadasc's user avatar
  • 56k
4 votes

Should long Aspects be split?

Aspects that are focused are easier to compel, and having a wider variety of aspects to use lends more flexibility to the character. …
Jadasc's user avatar
  • 56k
4 votes

Aspects implying Resistance/Immunity

One of the elements of Fate Core that comes into play here is that Aspects remain true whether they are invoked or not. …
Jadasc's user avatar
  • 56k
3 votes

Explaining the need to use Fate Points for Aspects

It's hard to think of a circumstance where "Strength of Hercules" could be compelled, and without that element of "sometimes it earns you a Fate point by getting you in trouble," Aspects in general are …
Jadasc's user avatar
  • 56k
3 votes

Aspects that Interact With Other Aspects in Fate Core

Only if they each do different things. "The moon brings out my primal fury" is an interesting and fine aspect. I'm not sold on "The moon is full" as an Environmental Aspect, but if you're going to ha …
Jadasc's user avatar
  • 56k