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Numenera is a science fantasy RPG set in the distant future. Created by respected game designer Monte Cook, it focuses on story and ideas over mechanics.

5 votes

How do I play NPC abilities?

The GM always sets the difficulties that need to be beaten, as such, when players interact with an NPC that requires the NPC to do something (such as asking him to pick a lock for them) you decide the …
darkliquid's user avatar
13 votes

Is it possible to take cyphers out of the Cypher System?

I've observed this effect directly in my own groups, where the players, being new to Numenera, are treating cyphers very much like D&D magical weapons and hoarding them rather than using them as disposable …
darkliquid's user avatar
7 votes

How does blinding work in Numenera?

In Numenera, 1 minute = approximately 10 rounds of combat (see page 85 of the Numenera corebook), so units of time can be converted to rounds using that metric. … Regarding effects Blindness in Numenera is treated as the affected character being in complete darkness (see the permanent damage table on page 114 of the Numenera corebook). …
darkliquid's user avatar
6 votes

Is fighting unarmed considered using light weapons?

In the Numenera corebook (pg. 80) 'Unarmed' as a weapon (which specifically calls out kicks and punches) is listed as a zero-cost light weapon. … So in Numenera, yes, unarmed attacks are indeed light weapons. …
darkliquid's user avatar
6 votes

What are the rules for flying in Numenera or Cypher System?

It sounds like what you want to create is a powerful artifact, the rules for which are described on page 106 of the Numenera corebook. …
darkliquid's user avatar
6 votes

Pacing GM Intrusions

It depends on your players and the types of challenges you want them to face. If your players are XP hoarders that only ever use it for character advancement, then you may want to artificially limit …
darkliquid's user avatar
5 votes

How does using this artifact in combat work?

When using the artifact against an NPC, the player would only roll to hit (since it's an aimed long-range weapon), which would be a Speed roll for the purposes of knowing what pool to spend from for e …
darkliquid's user avatar
6 votes

How to quickly introduce character creation mechanics to new Numenera players?

When teaching Numenera to new players, my usual bullet points are: Effort - use as many times per action as the amount you have, reduces difficulty by 1 level. …
darkliquid's user avatar
2 votes

Does everything that eases a task, but is not listed as an asset, stack with other 'untyped'...

Page 15 states only 3 things can ease difficulties: assets, skills and effort. It also states a skill can only ease by 2 levels at max and that anything that eases which isn't a skill is an asset. It …
darkliquid's user avatar
-3 votes

Is there a repository of fan-made adventures for Numenera?

I'm not aware of any dedicated sites for Numenera adventures. Lots of stuff for foci, descriptors, etc but very little in terms of curated fan-made adventure content. …
darkliquid's user avatar