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silversociety's user avatar
silversociety's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
  • Canada
10 votes

Do shield and armor check modifiers stack?

9 votes

How does a dragon accumulate a hoard?

6 votes

Does a charge provoke an opportunity attack from the target?

5 votes

Does an immediate interrupt trap stop an action?

4 votes

Looking for functioning dice servers

4 votes

What happens when a nemesis god is responsible for resurrecting your character?

3 votes

How can I make my allies & myself regularly benefit from Mark of Warding?

3 votes

I'm fairly new to D&D but want to GM; where do I go from here?

2 votes

Returning enchantment on a creature

2 votes

What's so bad about Seeker anyways?

2 votes

Is there a pattern for d8 dice?

2 votes

Are there no more elemental planes in 4th Edition?

2 votes

How much experience should players earn when fighting in a war?

1 vote

Which is best for a 4e Hexblade, wands or rods?

1 vote

How does "Skilled Companion" work in Dungeons and Dragons 4e

1 vote

Creating a campaign everyone can DM in?

1 vote

How can summons and beast companions become more fun?

1 vote

Using mechanics optimization to design a game at a desired power level

1 vote

vehicles in combat situations

1 vote

Designing my own D&D Adventure

1 vote

Making epic combat interesting and challenging but not complicated

1 vote

Ending combat: should I "kill" monsters prematurely?

0 votes

How do I reduce the number of encounters in D&D 4E without reducing the difficulty?

0 votes

How fast is the Exploration Speed of a Greater Flying Carpet with two riders?

0 votes

A Game Board for D&D?

0 votes

Encounter powers, magic item powers and immediate reactions

0 votes

Odd class combination - mitigate losses?

-3 votes

Intimidation in D&D 4e - What can it be used for and what are the consequences for doing so?