If you insult the hitman enough, will he stop shooting at you? It doesn't seem likely, but that brings into play a question about whether some stress tracks are "more important" than others: If you shoot the clown, he'll probably stop making fun of you. This implies that physical conflict 'trumps' social conflict.
Which is important, because a lot of creatures (including PCs) tend to have much smaller tracks in some conflict types than in others. Mocking a hitman is a lot easier than punching him, but is that relevant when he's shooting you?
(Obviously you can also use his poor social defenses to drop aspects on him that can be tagged for various advantages, but I'm talking about actual attacks against his social stress track.)
- Can being taken out on one track (say, social) cause you to stop being able to participate in a conflict focused on a different track (physical, mental)?
- If so, is there a clear priority of which conflict type trumps another?
There is some interesting precedent in the Hunger stress track from DFRPG: it's pretty clear that while being taken out by Hunger takes many choices for a Red Court Infected or White Court Virgin out of their player's hands, that character is still in the game for physical conflict (and arguably for the Virgin, social conflict) --otherwise it'd be very hard to satisfy the Hunger.
Or is this just so situational that the only possible answer is a throwing up of hands?