I realize this is similar to How can I take multiple fighting styles? but it's been still a nagging question that I'd like to find a solution to without multiclassing.
I like playing a Ranger who focuses on archery skills, but that tends to leave me open to melee attacks. Unlike the linked question, Rangers don't get to learn another fighting style at higher levels, which has left me to balance between archery and two-weapon as a fighting style and getting the opposing feat Sharpshooter and Dual Wielder, or multiclass just to get another fighting style.
That said, I wanted to dive deeper into the rules to find a better and faster way to keep on the ranger path and maintain a good balance without relying on the feats. I've considered multiclassing as a ranger (ranger to ranger) and seeing if there was a loophole in a feat that would allow me to learn two feats at once or different fighting styles but in the end, I felt like I might be overcomplicating things.
XGE P.134, under Training states
Given enough free time and the service of an instructor, a character can learn a language or pick up proficiency with a tool.
Could that also apply to learn new fighting styles?