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4 votes
3 answers

Over time, how does doubling dice on a crit compare vs having another action? [closed]

Basic 5e rules for crits say that you double the values rolled on dice. I'm playing with a homebrew idea where instead of doubling the damage dice you instead get another action, which can also crit. ...
Orionox's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

What deals more damage on a weapon, +1 to hit or +1 to damage?

Background: I'm introducing masterwork items for 5e as a homebrew rule, both to help players spend surplus gold on something useful when they cannot buy magic items, and to make shopping a bit more ...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How would optional re-rolling of all hit dice on leveling up affect average hp?

I am considering a homebrew rule that would give players the option on leveling up to re-roll all of their hit dice (excluding their first level) instead of only rolling their new hit die when ...
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14 votes
1 answer

What is the statistical difference between "choose either total" or "choose new total" when rerolling damage die?

I am reworking a homebrew class I made a while ago where one class feature stated: when making a melee attack you can choose to reroll the damage die. The new total must be used. I wanted to make ...
darnok's user avatar
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4 answers

Is it still a binomial distribution when rolling dice with different probabilities that must be met to count a success?

How do you calculate the probability of success when success is two different criteria/probabilities? I'm theorizing a resolution system for a homebrewed mechanic that involves rolling a pool of ...
l3rokenwing's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

With a known probability, how can I determine a roll to fit that probability to a population of n?

I'm working on making some homebrew settlement downtime activity, and I'd like to create a table that can provide some various outcomes for a group. So I"m looking for the math that allows to figure ...
John's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

What is the Expected Damage Gain from this Part of my Homebrewed Gunslinger Feat?

Preamble: One of the players in a campaign I will be DM’ing for will be playing a fighter archetype called the Gunslinger (made by Matthew Mercer for the RPG show Critical Role). Since the player ...
Shamwowters's user avatar
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