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For questions about Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition, an RPG published in 2014 by Wizards of the Coast. D&D 5e is a heroic fantasy RPG inspired by the mechanics and settings of all previous D&D editions. It was previously code-named D&D Next during the playtest period. (For questions about the 2024 revision of the D&D 5e rules, see the [dnd-5e-2024] tag.)

12 votes

What would it take to enchant a pet rock as an alarm?

Seems like you're looking for an "Alarm" rock, acting much like the spell of the same name. A good skeleton to build upon would be a Common Figurine of Power (dmg 169). Mix in the Crafting Magical i …
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1 vote

Are there official stats for an Illithid "Elder Brain"?

Likely house bred. A current stat block doesn't exist for the Elder Brain, though there are several home brews available for reference. An example is the Elder Brain from D&D Wiki.
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1 vote

Is there any class that can cast a touch spell through a weapon?

Enabling a PC to perform a weapon attack concurrently with casting a cantrip that has the speed of 1 action would imbalance the game. The noted example of the Eldritch Knight getting an melee attack …
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6 votes

Can swarms be pushed or pulled?

In the specific case of Thorn Whip, no. Per the spell: You create a long, vine-like whip covered in thorns that lashes out at your command toward a creature in range. It creates a vine like cont …
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11 votes

Forcing a disadvantage on an enemy's saving throw?

No, the Bend Luck feature is not the only method to undercut a creature's saving throw instantaneously. Wizard, School of Divination Portent Feature. After each long rest, roll two 2d20. Record …
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16 votes
1 answer

How do Death Saves interact with Actions that have multiple Attacks?

Inspired by the efforts to kill a Vampire, the GM in me got in a fight with the engineer. Per the text from Death Saves, taking damage while you have 0 hit points will cause a death saving throw fail …
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8 votes

Can you Eldritch Blast as a Readied action even though it's multiple attacks?

For the Action on your turn in the round, you take the Ready Action (PHB 193), establishing a trigger for which you will Cast A Spell, Eldritch Blast. When the triggering situation you specified occur …
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8 votes

What does 'before effects are applied' mean in the description of the ranger's Foe Slayer fe...

Your DM has the right of it. The way it is worded is designed to make it clear that the player can choose when to apply the benefit. The only limitation is that the player must make the decision to ap …
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5 votes

If a spell is cast enough times, does it become a cantrip?

From the two paragraphs on page 78 of the D&D Players Basic Rules (don't have access to my PHB at work), Cantrips-simple but powerful spells that characters can cast almost by rote - are level 0. …
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4 votes

Is there a spell or effect that reveals or identifies alignment?

Beyond Rules as Written Apart from the approaches defined by the other answers, consider making a spell, or magical item, that can be used to see alignment or determine alignment. Spells The genera …
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23 votes

Can a Swashbuckler use Sneak Attack every turn on an isolated target?

No, because the two conditions do not encompass every possibility. If the Swashbuckler (S) has interposed himself between an Ally (A) and an Opponent (O). Each occupies a single five by five square. …
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-5 votes

Can you end "see through familiar" at any time?

Rules as written, no. The spell details that you use your familiars senses until the start of your next turn, without providing a statement saying you can end the effect earlier. That said, a turn la …
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43 votes

Does casting a 10 minute spell really take 100 rounds of combat?

Yes, prayer of healing would take 100 combat rounds to cast, if you tried to cast it during combat. Additionally, the cleric would also have to avoid being attacked to maintain Concentration: getting …
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6 votes

Is there a mechanism to cast, as a single action, a spell with a 10 minute cast time?

If the spell is cast at level 5, or less, yes. Among the Magic items listed in the DMG, there is a fanciful ring that can act as a preparatory reservoir for spells, called the Ring of Spell Storing. …
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8 votes

How can our warlock use the Staff of Defense?

If the Warlock meets the prerequisites to dual class as a Wizard or Sorcerer, per page 285 of the PHB, Mage Armor and Shield would appear on spell lists. Editorial: being able to access the spells on …
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