Linked Questions

30 votes
5 answers

Does Polymorph break attunements with prerequisites?

Some magic items have prerequisites for attunement, most commonly requiring a specific race, class, or alignment. According to the rules on attunement: A creature's attunement to an item ends if the ...
smbailey's user avatar
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33 votes
4 answers

Can True Polymorph be used repeatedly to never age?

Let's say we have a level 20 human wizard named Dumbledore. Dumbledore is wicked old. Dumbledore would like to not die of old age, as he has a few enemies left to take care of. Can Dumbledore cast ...
Taejang's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Can True Polymorph be used to transform someone into a shapechanger creature?

The spell clearly says that it does not affect a shapechanger. Shapechangers are not affected by this spell. But has nothing about the opposite. Would that mean that I can change a Goblin into a ...
Alexis Wilke's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

How do multiple castings of True Polymorph interact?

When targeting a creature changed by any form of polymorph affect (Polymorph, Shapechange, Wild Shape, or True Polymorph), do you target the original creature, or the creature in its current form? ...
Taejang's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

How much control does Polymorph/True Polymorph allow over aesthetics?

Say a level 20 human wizard named Dumbledore would like to become an elf. When casting either Polymorph or True Polymorph, can Dumbledore specify how the elf will look? For example: "I want to be a ...
Taejang's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Does a simulacrum have a soul?

Inspired by this question about healing a simulacrum with magic jar. We know a simulacrum is a creature, but does it have a soul? Is that part of what is considered a creature's features and ...
Rubiksmoose's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Now that my wizard is a dragon, can I do the following things? [closed]

In a campaign as a wizard at 17th level, I have accomplished turning into an adult gold dragon with variant innate spell casting. My DM and I agreed the dragon can cast spells, but then the following ...
Lordmars's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

If I cast True Polymorph on my simulacrum and concentrate for the full duration, will casting Simulacrum again still destroy it?

Simulacrum states: If you cast this spell again, any currently active duplicates you created with this spell are instantly destroyed. Does this mean that if I take my simulacrum and permanently ...
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11 votes
2 answers

Can the True Resurrection spell resurrect a creature that was originally created by True Polymorph from an object?

If you true polymorph an object into a creature, and concentrate until the effect is indefinite, does the pseudo-creature become a valid target for true resurrection? As I understand, it would be a ...
Aaron's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Paladin's Find Steed was True Polymorphed

The paladin in the party I DM for uses the Find Steed spell to summon a saber toothed tiger mount (I'm a nice DM). The spell says: You summon a spirit that assumes the form of an unusually ...
bubbajake00's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Can the True Polymorph spell transform a creature into a custom creature?

The basis for my question is this line in the true polymorph spell (emphasis mine): Creature into Creature. If you turn a creature into another kind of creature, the new form can be any kind you ...
Codex's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How do polymorph-like spells interact with spellcasting capability? [closed]

For this question I am going to define these spells as, namely, Polymorph, True Polymorph & Shapechange. You must also, for the sake of this question, disregard any creature type limitations and ...
Eldebryn's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Can a True Polymorphed wizard use a copy of his spellbook?

Consider the following scenario: A level 20 Wizard duplicates his spellbook and hides one copy. The he casts True Polymorph on himself, becoming a Planetar Angel (the original copy of the spellbook ...
firion's user avatar
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Can True Polymorph be used to recover from diseases or curses?

Say a level 20 human wizard named Dumbledore is tired of his hand hurting. Said appendage was damaged magically and cannot be cured by any known means (short of deity magic or a Wish spell, which ...
Taejang's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Can I make an exact copy of myself and my equipment using True Polymorph on a simulacrum?

More wizard shenanigans! If I create a simulacrum of myself and true polymorph the sim into me, assuming the simulacrum has the same CR/level as I do, can I essentially create an exact copy of myself ...
Codex's user avatar
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