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3 votes
1 answer

If I was knocked approximately 1500 feet into the air and I can fly, could I perform a sort of 'Terminal Velocity Tackle'?

And if I could, how much damage would I - and the target - take? Could a Terminal Velocity Tackle actually be viable against a BBEG, if the circumstances allow it to happen in the first place? Now, ...
Tasi's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How does Simic Hybrid's Manta Glide work?

Simic Hybrid's Manta Glide (GGR p. 20) states the following: You have ray-like fins that you can use as wings to slow your fall or allow you to glide. When you fall and aren't incapacitated, you can ...
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4 votes
1 answer

What book specifies rules for running fast on paired cyberlegs?

In Cyberpunk 2020, suppose you have a team with three members: Apple, Banana, and Canteloupe. Movement Allowance {MA): This is an index of how fast your character can run (important in combat ...
Long's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Does Thunderwave normally deal falling damage? [duplicate]

Is normal that if a target is Thunderwave'd into a wall, then they take initial damage from the Spell, and then additional "falling damage" from being flung into the wall. Similarly, if ...
Brondahl's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Using the optional rule on falling onto a creature, is the fall damage divided between creatures before or after damage resistance/reduction?

Tasha's Cauldron of Everything (p. 170) offers the following optional rule on falling onto a creature: If a creature falls into the space of a second creature and neither of them is Tiny, the second ...
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13 votes
2 answers

Does the spell Feather Fall prevent damage from falling down stairs?

Inspired by this Q&A: How to handle falling down stairs? Feather fall says: Choose up to five falling creatures within range. A falling creature's rate of descent slows to 60 feet per round until ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

How to handle falling down stairs?

It is well-established in fiction -- as in real life -- that falling down a flight of stairs is dangerous. A significant tumble can seriously injure or kill a person. "Pushed down a flight of ...
screamline's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Does armor class protect against damage from falling objects?

Does armor class protect against damage from falling objects? Let’s say we have average Munchkin McGee. Now, he boosts his AC to Celestia and back, then his damage reduction to the Abyss and back. I ...
user63468's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How can I become immune to fall damage?

How can I become immune to fall damage? I don’t mean things like feather fall that slow your descent or flight that prevents it from happening altogether; I'm more looking for an option that lets you ...
user63468's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Does a dropped object take falling damage?

I see rules for falling creatures and the damage they take when struck by a falling object. But what about the object itself? Does a dropped object take falling damage? Context: someone dropped an ...
kent's user avatar
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23 votes
6 answers

Does a monk decide to use their reaction on the Slow Fall feature after falling damage is rolled?

At 4th level, monks get the class feature Slow Fall: Beginning at 4th level, you can use your reaction when you fall to reduce any falling damage you take by an amount equal to five times your monk ...
ThePorkchopExpress's user avatar
1 vote
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Heavy PC falling on enemies [duplicate]

I have a player who's playing as a Tortle (DND 5e) and weighs over 500 lbs. This combined with the ability for Tortles to hide in their shell led to some interesting crushing-related activities, and I ...
Dragongeek's user avatar
15 votes
9 answers

How can 16th-level characters mitigate damage from a lethal (long) fall?

The core question What is a way for a 16th level character to avoid potentially fatal falling damage - but are not Feather Fall, Levitate, magic items that grant the properties of these spells, or ...
John Doe's user avatar
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2 votes
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How much damage from a falling Orca? [duplicate]

Level 10 Circle of the Moon Druid has two uses of wild shape. At level 2 a player gets "combat wild shape" so you can choose to use your bonus action to transform. Combat starts, your first turn you ...
Bro'ttor's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How much damage should be caused by falling into water? [duplicate]

I have tried to find the answer to this question by searching the books and was unable to find anything in the regular rules. Attempting to search here only threw up similar questions relating to ...
delfiler's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

For object fall damage, does the 20d6 maximum apply only to the additional damage from distance, or is it an overall maximum?

According to the DMG, page 303: For each 200 pounds of an object’s weight, the object deals 1d6 points of damage, provided it falls at least 10 feet. Distance also comes into play, adding an ...
DarkArchangel's user avatar
31 votes
3 answers

What would be the game balance implications for using the Gygax method for applying falling damage?

According to the rules, at the end of a fall, a creature takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it fell, to a maximum of 20d6. However, way back in Dragon Magazine #69, D&D co-creator ...
WarFlail's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Can a flying creature avoid falling damage by flying just before impact?

Say a creature with a flight speed starts their turn 500 feet above the ground. They then stop flying and plummet towards the ground. 5 feet before impact they use 5 feet of their flight movement to ...
Allan Mills's user avatar
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5 votes
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How much damage should a beholder take if my character jumps onto it and slams it into the ground? [duplicate]

I was wondering how to rule something in my friend's campaign. We were fighting a modified beholder boss as a level 13 druid and a level 12 warlock. The fight was at a large summoning circle at the ...
Will Allan's user avatar
23 votes
4 answers

Are there rules for falling in water vs. diving vs. just jumping in for various depths of water?

Just realized that in DMing 5e I have unconsciously used a falling-in-water rule-of-thumb that I inherited from somewhere (maybe 2e or AD&D or maybe even Pathfinder). The ruling I've been using is ...
Valley Lad's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I grapple an enemy, then jump with them and land on them to do crushing damage outside of falling damage?

I’m making a grappler who can jump 8 feet normally, and therefore with the jump spell they can jump 24 ft. What would happen if I were to grapple a creature, then jump with them and land on them? I ...
Ben's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Is fall damage only calculated on vertical distance?

From this answer to Is damage taken when falling off a mount?: The minimum distance to take fall damage is stated as 10ft. However, if you are on a fast mount, you could potentially fall off while ...
Bilkokuya's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Is damage taken when falling off a mount?

The mounted combat rules provide a few scenarios for falling off a mount: If your mount is knocked prone, you can use your reaction to dismount it as it falls and land on your feet. Otherwise, you ...
Vigil's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

Does the rule on falling damage only apply to Small and larger creatures?

Does the rule on falling damage (1d6 damage for every 10 feet fallen) only apply to Small and larger creatures? Suppose flying insects with 1 hit point attack the party, and a caster casts sleep into ...
Skidnsf's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Falling from low heights; how does 1d6 per 10ft round up/down?

I have been reading over the falling rules in Pathfinder and one thing that is unclear to me is how falling damage works between 10ft intervals. Is it that everything up to the first 10ft takes 1d6 ...
Barker's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

Is my Half Orc Barbarian invulnerable to death by falling?

Forgive me if I've botched any math, but here's the situation I've found myself in (assuming 4th level): Falling damage caps out at 20d6 at terminal velocity. Kronan the Barbarian has 55 Max HP ...
Robert's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

If a creature is dropped on a monster, how much damage does each of them take?

If a character who was under the effect of a growth potion (double their height and eight times their weight) and weighed 2,400 lbs. was able to use Dimension Door to teleport 400 feet or more into ...
KillerKelly's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Does falling damage by weight get limited to 20d6?

I'm trying to build a character that does damage by dropping on people. (It's a baleen whale with grafted wings.) I was reading the SRD on falling damage and it has this very confusing line about ...
Jean-Luc Nacif Coelho's user avatar
27 votes
5 answers

How might the weight of a falling object affect the damage it causes?

Fall damage is 1d6 per 10 feet. What adjustments if any should I make for objects falling on a player character? (e.g. a bear) Assuming the objects are meaningful threats but not instant character ...
Quiescat's user avatar
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52 votes
8 answers

Do you take falling damage after a high jump of over 10 feet?

I have a multiclass Monk / Druid (2 levels of monk). He cast jump on himself, wild shaped into a brown bear, activated step of the wind, then took a high jump with a height of 42': High Jump When ...
briddums's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

What happens when a creature falls on another creature?

If I successfully teleport a creature 4 square above another creature, and it falls, what happens? Is damage done to one or both?
Derek's user avatar
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