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3 votes
1 answer

What would happen if the line of effect is blocked after the spell is casted but before taking effect?

So, I would just visualise the case to simplify the question description. Assuming the Resilient Sphere appears before the spell actually takes place, and it blocks the line of effect. When something ...
2 votes
2 answers

How exactly do cylinder spells and effects "ignore obstructions" in their areas? Or what kinds of obstructions they can realistically ignore?

So, Spell descriptions on Area entry says: When casting a cylinder-shaped spell, you select the spell’s point of origin. This point is the center of a horizontal circle, and the spell shoots down ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is there a minimum requirement for a character to have line of effect with Shadow Jaunt/Stride/Blink?

I'm pretty sure this has been asked already but I can't find the question in question, so I hope I don't break any rules by asking again. The Shadow X maneuvers from Shadow Hand have a line of effect ...
2 votes
2 answers

When you cast a spell with "effect" entry, do you have to have line of effect to every portion of the effect to be created?

When you cast a spell with “effect” entry, do you have to have line of effect to every portion of the effect to be created? Some examples of where it can be relevant: Casting Summon Monster to ...
4 votes
1 answer

Can you use line-of-sight abilities (such as shadow jaunt) if you have blind sight to a location?

Scenario is: your character is blind, but has blind sight. Can this character use blind sight to shadow jaunt to a location within his range of sight (LOS) (usually 60 ft) or does this not apply? ...
0 votes
1 answer

Does Crawling Eye grant line-of-effect across Impenetrable Barrier?

I was trying to think of really fun, evil things to do with a warlock. I was curious if this works: Use Crawling Eye Use Impenetrable Barrier between you and the eye Do horrible things to opponents ...