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Questions tagged [theme]

Themes are a character option in D&D 4e that give additional features and flavor to a character, especially in the Heroic tier.

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5 votes
1 answer

Can a were-creature druid Wild Shape when in hybrid form?

Does were-creature's level 10 hybrid form count as "humanoid" for the wording of Wild Shape? A Wererat/bear/wolf's level 10 feature says "When you use the [animal] shape power, you can assume the ...
T. Smit's user avatar
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1 answer

How do Guardian's Counter and mark punishment interact?

The Guardian's Counter power from the Guardian theme has the following text: Immediate Interrupt Trigger: An ally within 2 squares of you is hit by an attack and you are not included in the ...
Michaellogg's user avatar
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Fey Beast Tamer, Scaling of your Fey Beast companion

How does the companion chosen, via Theme: Fey Beast Tamer, scale with the PC it is bonded with? I am a lv01 Wood Elf (archer) ranger (14 AC before armor) with the theme Fey Beast Tamer and have ...
Exo Waltz's user avatar
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1 answer

Can my Cleric with the Primordial Adept theme use his holy symbol for theme powers?

The Primordial Adept theme, which gives rod proficiency and has Implement-keyword powers, mentions no restrictions or caveats to its powers' implement use. Do only rods work for Primordial Adept ...
Schneidend's user avatar
2 votes
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Which background and theme fits a Razerclaw Shifter Ranger (Archer) [closed]

Our DM declared that as of Lv11 we will be allowed to choose a BG and Theme - as long as it matches our (still to be written) background story. I am a LV10 Razorclaw DEX Ranger heading towards the ...
Exo Waltz's user avatar
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Theme, School and Feat damage for Conjurations and Summonings?

Okay, I'm playing a Tiefling Fire-oriented mage with the Infernal Prince theme, Hellfire Blood feat and Pyromancy school Apprentice bonus. With all of that, my fire attacks get +2 atk and +2 dmg. I ...
John W's user avatar
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Blackstaff Apprentice and Wizard's Fury

I looked around online, but again couldn't find an answer. I also saw the Dragon Magazine articles from issues 409 and 374, but want a diffinative ruling. When you take the Blackstaff Apprentice ...
John W's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the Marshal's Quarry?

While building a character for the newest season of encounters, a Paladin(Blackguard), I decided to take the Sentinel Marshal Theme. As part of the entry features for the theme you receive the ...
Joshua Aslan Smith's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there any way for a Bard to take the Blackstaff Apprentice theme?

Blackstaff Apprentice has the following requirement: Prerequisite: Wizard. You must be able to prepare spells from a spellbook (such as with the Arcanist’s ...
Corion's user avatar
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3 answers

Can characters with the Guardian theme choose powerful ranged characters as their bonded charge?

The Guardian character theme level 10 feature states that Generally speaking, you can’t designate someone as a bonded charge whose melee combat skills equal or exceed your own The warden in my ...
Ravn's user avatar
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2 answers

Which publications list alchemical items?

My character has just taken the Alchemist theme and can now make an item of his level or lower for free using a case of chemicals that costs 50gp (IMO, this theme is the only way to play anything like ...
Hadashi's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Would free multiclass feats be a reasonable alternative to Themes?

I like the flavor, flexibility, and role-playing inspirations provided by Themes, as introduced in D&D 4E Darksun and added in general in Dragon #399. I'm planning to use them in the game I'm ...
mattdm's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What does "any enemy you deal damage to" mean in Bloody Blades?

I am looking at Bloody Blades for my L9 fighter, but I have a question before I take it. The second effect line on the power has the following text: You can assume the stance of the bloody blades. ...
wax eagle's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between themes and backgrounds?

Wizards has fairly recently released character themes for D&D 4th Edition. What is the difference between themes and backgrounds? Can you pick one of each or do you have to choose between the ...
wax eagle's user avatar
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