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valadil's user avatar
valadil's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Massachusetts
140 votes

How do you help players not focus on the rules?

72 votes

What's a good mechanic for rewarding players for keeping their characters happy?

57 votes

Helping new players learn a setting on the go

51 votes

How do I help my players not get caught up on smaller plot points?

50 votes

How should a GM deal with "standing orders?"

35 votes

How can I play dumb?

31 votes

How do I run a successful and engaging campaign without combat?

31 votes

Any advice on how to politely approach a friend on problems with her character(s)?

27 votes

What should the GM do when players constantly argue?

27 votes

What can I do to give the players the same feel their characters would have about wilderness travel?

26 votes

Dealing with players smarter than me?

24 votes

Is it wrong to ask a player to justify their character's actions?

21 votes

How do I use minions effectively?

20 votes

How do I make my role playing group a not exclusively male one?

20 votes

How do I quit a long-term game gracefully?

19 votes

How to fix a terrible lapse in judgement

19 votes

Repercussions to DM-mandated limit on books allowable for characters?

18 votes

How to handle lack of PC communication?

17 votes

How do I allow player agency in situations with predetermined outcomes?

17 votes

How can I add sound to our sessions?

17 votes

Generating a feeling of nostalgia in the players

17 votes

My party doesn't want to get rid of an unbalanced house rule

15 votes

Is altering the adventure to suit the players the purpose of the DM in D&D?

15 votes

How to determine how much plot guidance is too much?

15 votes

What iPhone / iPad apps do you use for gaming?

15 votes

As an experienced GM, what pitfalls should I watch out for?

15 votes

What to do when you end up duplicating another players character?

14 votes

Techniques for skimming through travel (fast travel) without meta-teleportation

14 votes

How can I make my PCs flee?

14 votes

How to get players to be curious and ask questions?

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