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Brian S's user avatar
Brian S
  • Member for 11 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Texas
3 votes

How do you rule halfling tossing as a combat action?

3 votes

Looking for a high-action, non-dark setting

2 votes

How can I strategise IC with the other players when my PC is stupid?

2 votes

How do you actually crawl through a dungeon in online play?

2 votes

As a player, how can I help the GM when the game goes out of control?

2 votes

What game systems have a large number of adventures available for them?

2 votes

Can I take an action in the middle of another, eg a standard action whilst moving?

2 votes

Can I make repeated active insight checks, or can I "take 20" on insight checks?

1 vote

Is there a spell managing program/app for D&D 3.5e?

1 vote

Can you delay until you are no longer dazed?

1 vote

What should a DM do if a player wants to do something impossible?

1 vote

How can I expand my crit ranges in D&D 4e?

1 vote

How can a PC craft armor?

1 vote

Advice and sources for designing a fantasy political campaign?

1 vote

Do all RPGs have critical failures, and which was the first?

1 vote

I'm looking for advice on Wizard status effect powers. Anyone have good advice?

1 vote

Confusion with opposed rolls

1 vote

Having player characters in different locations in a city

1 vote

Para-elements by mixing two Classical Elements

0 votes

Introducing an unorthodox setting the players know NOTHING about

0 votes

How can we find premade adventures for a virtual tabletop?

0 votes

Storytelling with lie detection

0 votes

Fast-paced and brutal rpg system

0 votes

Radiant Vulnerability + Vulnerability All + Pervasive Light

-2 votes

Is there a "sea creatures" RPG system, or would I need to create one?

-2 votes

How is shooting into water handled?