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2 votes
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Long rest contradiction between Official rule and Sage advice? [duplicate]

There are two rule clarifications posts that I am trying to wrap my head around. But both seems to contradict each other. Regarding an Elf that trances for 4H.... When does he gets the benefits of ...
KilrathiSly's user avatar
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Must 5e elves take a long rest?

If an elf uses their trance regularly, takes short rests periodically, and is willing to forego the benefits of long rests (hit points and dice restored, spell slots and abilities restored, etc), is ...
SorcererQzot's user avatar
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5 answers

How effectively can a trancing Elf serve night watch?

Experienced DM, new to 5e. Dealing with a party that includes two Elves. Party did not establish a night watch. Dice dictated an overnight raid of the party's provisions. Seems fair to give the Elves ...
sparrowhawk's user avatar
17 votes
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If an elf is stable with 0 HP, do they regain all hit points after a long rest of 8 hours or 4?

In my most recent session, the entire party except one character was downed (reduced to 0 HP), but they were all stabilised by the cleric (the only member that was left standing). One of the downed ...
Ben Forsdyke's user avatar
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Of what use is Arcane Recovery to an Elf Wizard?

My reading of this Q&A is that elves recover spell slots after a 4-hour long trance. However, if that is the case, then what good is Arcane Recovery to an Elf Wizard?
Greg0141's user avatar
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Can elves maintain concentration in a trance?

Following the question Must 5e elves take a long rest? and LegendaryDude's suggestion, I wanted to further elaborate on the benefits elvish trance has while adventuring. In the PHB 5e, there's a note ...
Victor B's user avatar
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Can an elf warlock with the Aspect of the Moon eldritch invocation still trance?

The Eldritch Invocation "Aspect of the Moon" from Xanathar's Guide to Everything (pg. 56) provides you with the benefit of no longer needing to sleep: Aspect of the Moon Prerequisite: Pact ...
NathanS's user avatar
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Long Rest interrupted AFTER 4 hour Trance

Now that there has been strict errata saying an Elf DOES indeed finish a Long Rest after 4 hours if they decide to meditate through Trance, I assume this also means they are forced to gain the ...
Airatome's user avatar
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What can a character do during a rest?

I have an elf in my group who only needs 4 hours of rest instead of 8 like all the others. The problem is he keeps asking what he can do in that time and I have no idea what to tell him. I've read in ...
Bigern's user avatar
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Does an elf's daily trance require 4 consecutive hours?

Elves need to meditate 4 hours a day to be in shape according to the PHB. Trance: Elves do not need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply for 4 hours a day. (The Common word for such meditation ...
Zephyr106's user avatar
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8 votes
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Can Elves move when they Trance?

Elves have the Trance trait: Elves don’t need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (The Common word for such meditation is "trance.") While ...
Gael L's user avatar
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During a long rest if someone is fully rested, can they keep watch longer than 2 hours?

So I am currently running a game with 3 PCs, 2 of which are Elves and 1 a Human. I am just trying to calculate the most efficient way to run watch shifts during long rests since both of the elves only ...
Semilucid's user avatar
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How can a 14th level Artificer with the Metamagic Adept feat restore their sorcery points?

Considering a 14th level artificer with the Metamagic Adept feat in D&D 5e: I'm assuming that the feat does not grant the ability to restore sorcery points by expending spell slots (since it ...
LAP's user avatar
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How does a Flameskull's Rejuvenation affect its rest?

Flameskulls are interesting creatures in that they combine three traits - they are undead, they have the Spellcasting trait with wizard spells and spell slots, and they are not killed at 0 HP. Rather,...
Kirt's user avatar
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4 votes
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Are there any features that allow for faster long rests?

Are there any features in the game that reduce the duration that long rests take? Specifically, I'm looking for: Racial traits that set the long rest to 4 Hours or less Any other features that ...
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