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Questions tagged [psychic-class]

For questions about the psychic class or character archetype that appears in RPGs, such as in Pathfinder.

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2 votes
1 answer

Is there thought and emotion component for psychic spells?

I could have sworn that psychic spells had there specific components listed like regular spells. For example, the fireball spell tells you the material component is bat guano. I seem to remember ...
Paris Washington's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How can Psychics regain 2 Focus Points?

While adding some classes to this answer, I could not find the feat that enables the Psychic to regain 2 Focus Points (FP). While it is not unprecedented that a class cannot regain all 3 FPs1, ...
SpearCarrier.no2's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Using Unleash Psyche repeatedly

Can one use the Unleash Psyche action while it's still active to postpone the stupefication and loss of benefits? UNLEASH PSYCHE When one thins the barrier between their inner mind and the outer ...
ikegami's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Is psychic succor massively overpowered or am I understanding it wrong?

I am GMing a SWNR (revised) game for the first time and one of my players decided to go for Biospionics. The exact paragraph in the description of the Biopsionics Ability psychic succor, that makes me ...
Pauchu's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Does a Psychic with the Improved Eldritch Heritage feat for the Psychic Bloodline get any benefit from Undercasting Prodigy?

Does a Psychic with the Improved Eldritch Heritage feat for the Psychic Bloodline get any benefit from Undercasting Prodigy? Undercasting Prodigy says: Starting at 9th level, whenever you gain a ...
Draven_Blackblade's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Does the level requirement of the psychic's Psi-Tech Discoveries refer to class level or character level?

In the list of the psychic's psy-tech discoveries is Force Field, which says: You must be at least 3rd level to select this discovery. Does this mean Psychic level 3 or character level 3?
Draven_Blackblade's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is psychic casting (with Thought/Emotion components) detectable in the same way as Somatic/Verbal components?

I'm starting a new campaign and for the first time ever and I'm trying a Psychic spell caster (Psychic, specifically.) My GM is pretty adamant that the metamagic Still Spell and Silent Spell exist ...
Mazu's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Psychic Marauder Archetype [duplicate]

Archives of Nethys, had a archetype called Psychic Marauder I am looking for the psychic marauder archetype. It was on the archives of Nethys site, which is down, and now I'd like another site I can ...
Roland's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Where can I find information online on occult psychic archetypes?

I am looking for information on a psychic marauder archetype which was on the Archives of Nethys site, but that site is down. Where can information on psychic archetypes could be found online?
Roland's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How can I play a Psychic Necromancer using Occult Adventures material?

I'd like to play a Psychic Necromancer using Occult Adventures material in Pathfinder. There is the Haunted discipline; however, that's not what I'm looking for. I was hoping more along the line of a ...
Roland's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Are Psychics arcane casters? Can they prestige into Dragon Disciples and do they suffer Spell Failure?

Nowhere on the Psychic section does it state that Psychics are arcane or divine casters. As such, it's not clear if they suffer spell failure, let alone whether or not they can prestige into Dragon ...
Axoren's user avatar
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