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Questions tagged [rifts]

Rifts is a multi-genre role-playing game from Palladium Books and is the company's flagship game. The setting is a post-apocalyptic future after a nuclear causes a magical holocaust opening gates between Earth and other dimensions. It is a kitchen sink comic style universe where manga like robots mix with deities from nearly all religions while fighting psychics who are allied with wizards while human purist tyrants snipe from the side.

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0 answers

Sources for Curses for Rune Weapons in Palladium / Rifts?

In Palladium's flagship line Rifts there are magical weapons called Rune Weapons. Rune weapons while immensely powerful often tend to be cursed. I've developed a rune weapon in Rifts for a player ...
Englishman Bob's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Are RIFTS Psi-Hounds fertile?

A few years back the magazine the Rifter published some material I submitted to Palladium- a small town in the Rifts setting, whose population partly consisted of Psi-Hound deserters and their ...
king of panes's user avatar
2 votes
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How far would a Boom gun propel a Glitter Boy if the jetpack and anchors were disabled?

The Palladium Rifts Glitter Boy Boom gun accelerates a flechette round of ammo at over Mach One. Normally, laser tipped anchors from the legs drill into the ground and a jetpack provides counter ...
nijineko's user avatar
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5 votes
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Interaction between Telemechanics and a Glitter Boy Power Armor, what would happen?

A Mind Melter finds a functioning and unattended suit of Glitter Boy Power Armor. The Mind Melter decides to use Telemechanics on it in order to pilot it. The Glitter Boy OCC states that non GB pilots ...
nijineko's user avatar
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22 votes
6 answers

How to provide knowledge to players?

I've read a lot of articles on player vs. character knowledge, where the crux of the article is always that players know more than their characters, and metagaming is an issue. For good or for bad, I ...
ggutenberg's user avatar
2 votes
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What are the base percentiles for skills that the PCs don't have?

Palladium books (Palladium, Robotech, TMNT, Rifts, &c.) have umpteen hundreds of skills spread across their Megaverse, including such minutiæ as "flower arrangement" and "RPG design". Players ...
lly's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Recommended Ranks for Savage Rifts Savage Tales?

DriveThruRPG has a bunch of great "one-page" adventures, and each of them specifies a recommended Rank for the party (Novice, Legendary, etc.). I thought this was a nice touch, as I wouldn't want to ...
machineghost's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can you attach things to a force field?

In a Rifts campaign we encountered a train protected by a force field. Will duct tape stick to a force field? Could we duct tape a person or explosives to it?
chibi_chicken's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Tips and techniques for running larger-scale battles in interesting and engaging ways?

So, my players threw me for a loop last weekend when they decided to go a little off-script at the end of our session. Normally I’m pretty good at rolling with changes, but this one has me a little ...
Jonathan Grant's user avatar
3 votes
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What Star Frontiers rule(s) can model Rifts' "Invulnerability"?

Our group frequently converts characters from one system to another in the course of our gaming. We are attempting to model the Rifts ability of immunity to physical damage (the specific ability of ...
nijineko's user avatar
  • 11.9k
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1 answer

Do you add PP bonus to vehicle dodge bonus as per HtH combat?

My GM is having issues with adding high PP bonus to jet fighter dodge rolls. He isn't seeing bonus from high PP (e.g. 27 PP, +6 TO to combat HtH & vehicle dodge). I am proficient in jet-fighter ...
malis's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Crazy super-senses: all five or just one?

In the Rifts RPG, does a character with the Crazy O.C.C receive the benefit of all five super-senses listed, or do they have to pick one?
John Doe's user avatar
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3 answers

Automatic-Dodge vs. Regular Dodge Bonus

I've been consulting a few RIFTS and Palladium system forums online to try and figure out exactly how the Automatic Dodge system in the games work and have been rather unsuccessful. So I'm turning to ...
Sandwich's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

What book contains the rules for creating travelling shows?

I noticed that the Palladium website has a Traveling Show Creation Log. Presumably this worksheet would be used while working through the rules, detailed in a supplement of some kind, for defining a ...
user26121's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Is it possible to increase the lifespan of a Juicer?

Some old friends want to try and play RIFTS again, something I haven't played for about 20 years, literally. Flipping through the pages, I came across and remembered the Juicer and decided, "Yeah, I ...
Ruut's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How did Erin Tarn escape the Vampire Kingdoms?

My Vampire Kingdoms sourcebook says Erin Tarn has not been heard from since her expedition into— well, the vampire kingdoms— but I'm fairly certain she made it out alive. Am I mistaken? ...
king of panes's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Can an Azverkan make use of MOM Implants?

Are Azverkan close enough to "human-like" to sucessfully undergo Mind Over Matter Conversion?
king of panes's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Where can I find maps of Rifts Earth?

Where can I find maps of Rifts Earth, especially political maps that show the borders of North American nations like the CS, the Manistique Imperium, the Federation of Magic, etc. around 110 P.A. ...
king of panes's user avatar
5 votes
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Starting Percentage for Native Language?

In Rifts, how do you determine the starting percentage for your characters native language? The Language skill states "...other than your native language", so it seems like I wouldn't use those ...
Discord's user avatar
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3 answers

What is a good gaming system to convert RIFTS RPG into? [closed]

I've always loved the world of RIFTS and even the magic system, but MDC and game balance issues make it nearly unplayable in my opinion. What system’s rules would be the best fit for a Rifts game? It ...
thymelord13's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How do your attacks per round work in robot combat?

So I was always confused by how robot combat works in Rifts... Let's say I have weapons on my shoulder, both hands, and chest. And let's say 8 melee attacks per round. Do I only get to shoot one ...
Dmitriy Likhten's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How much collateral damage would a 60,000MD bomb cause?

I'm writing a Rifts campaign, a portion of which revolves around the assassination of Lord Splyncryth. Yes, I know that sort of breaks the campaign world, but I'm winding up a decade long game and ...
synesthesia's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Power levels of RIFTS classes

Someone posted this link to a set of "tiers" for D&D 3.5 classes, and it got me thinking. I haven't played RIFTS in forever, and one of the reasons is the wide disparity in class power and ...
Colin Fredericks's user avatar