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Brian S's user avatar
Brian S
  • Member for 11 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Texas
16 votes

How much would it cost to hire mercenaries for a couple days?

14 votes

Difference between Athletics and Acrobatics?

13 votes

Blacksmithing and repair in D&D 4e?

12 votes

What do I do when some players won't show up consistently?

12 votes

Is an Illusory Wall solid until revealed in DnD 4e?

12 votes

Modeling character emotions and stress

10 votes

Where do I write down the passive scores for skills?

8 votes

How do I scout with a bat familiar?

7 votes

A few questions about mounts

7 votes

GM burn-out concerning worlds and systems

7 votes

What system increases skills based on skill use?

7 votes

Rolling initiative for a group of tokens in Roll20?

7 votes

Are there any online virtual tabletops with 2.5D or 3D views?

5 votes

What could replace the fear of dying in a spirit world?

5 votes

How do I optimize an Earthstrength Warden with some houserules and minimal books?

4 votes

Can a player with "Harmonious Academic Methodology" train himself without spending XP?

4 votes

PC vs PC team campaigns

4 votes

How do you improve Death Saves for the character?

4 votes

How can I encourage my players to give me plot hooks?

4 votes

What feats grant both weapon proficiency and bonus damage, without a race requirement?

4 votes

Roleplaying online without having to post in public

3 votes

Is there a free character builder for D&D 4e on Mac?

3 votes

How can I mitigate the power of Spitting Cobra Stance?

3 votes

How effective are foreshadowing cutscenes that PCs would be unaware of?

3 votes

Can Conceal be used to sneak past someone?

3 votes

Delaying your action in combat

3 votes

What happens to effects when their origin dies?

3 votes

Readied actions in Dresden RPG

3 votes

Creating a campaign everyone can DM in?

3 votes

Which is a good leather armour for a level 3 striker in 4e?