Linked Questions

22 votes
2 answers

Multiclass Warlock/Wizard: Can I use Int as spellcasting ability for Pact Magic slots? [duplicate]

I would really love to play wizard/warlock multiclass with low charisma (just 13 for mutliclass). The handbook says that I can use Pact Magic slots to cast wizard spells, but doesn't specify which ...
HellMUt's user avatar
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If you are a multiclass spellcaster, does your save DC vary based on which class you got a spell from? [duplicate]

For instance, let's posit a character, sorc 1 wiz 1, that can cast Ice Knife through Sorcerer, and Burning Hands through wizard. But their INT is 16, and their CHA is 18. What would their save DC ...
Stackstuck's user avatar
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-9 votes
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Which Ability do you use for multiclass casters sharing spells? [duplicate]

Which Ability do you use for multiclass casters sharing spells? Ex: Artificer (Int) Sorcerer (Cha) share the Catapult spell What ability do you use when casting it for the attack roll and save DC?
Jhyarelle Silver's user avatar
2 votes
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Which spell save DC do you use when casting with warlock slots? [duplicate]

So I have found a few questions that are closely related, but I can't find exactly the answer I am looking for. Say you are multiclassed warlock and wizard. You can cast either class's spells through ...
Tenuit's user avatar
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What type of spellcasting bonus do I use as a multiclassed bard/cleric? [duplicate]

I'm fairly new to D&D, and I'm going to multiclass for the first time - Bard/Cleric, to be specific. What kind of spellcasting bonus do I use for spells like Healing Word which is bard and cleric?...
MrVladDubrovski's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

Can a multi-class spellcaster have one thing be two different focuses?

In my group, I have a Cleric 1/ Bard 1 character. He bangs on his engraved shield (cleric focus) to turn it into a war drum (bard focus). What are the rules concerning if a player can have two ...
chrabyrd's user avatar
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28 votes
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If I multiclass into 2 or more spellcasting classes, how do I determine my known/prepared spells?

If I multiclass into 2 or more classes/subclasses that can cast spells, how do I determine what spells I know or can prepare? For instance, if I am playing a multiclassed character with 1 level in ...
V2Blast's user avatar
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12 votes
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Does learning the same spell from different sources allow it to benefit from bonuses from all sources?

For example, an Arcana cleric takes Firebolt with Arcane Initiate, then multiclasses with Artillerist artificer, and also takes Firebolt as one of the Artificer cantrips. Assuming this character has 5 ...
Cyanic's user avatar
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5 votes
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Multiclass spell casting and spell modifiers

I know that you use your spellcasting modifier from the class you gained the spell from. However, for something like Tempest Domain cleric gaining the use of thunderwave from their subclass (...
Daedalaus's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Question regarding Pact magic with multiclassing and a class specific bonus

I play a 6 bard/ 4 warlock multiclass. My character recently obtained a rhythm makers drum +3, giving a +3 bonus to my bard spells' DC and rolls. I am curious if I were to cast a spell I had taken on ...
Tyrom22's user avatar
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Can a multiclassed Sorcerer/Tempest Cleric use Charisma instead of Wisdom to determine save DC for the Wrath of the Storm feature? [duplicate]

I have a question related to this one: What is the DC of the Tempest Cleric's Wrath of the Storm feature? Since the rules don't specify how you calculate your DC for this ability, could a ...
Nyarlathotep's user avatar