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Marshall Tigerus's user avatar
Marshall Tigerus
  • Member for 10 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
35 votes

Can monsters stat blocks be used as party allies?

25 votes

What is the easiest way a Wizard can copy-protect the scrolls he makes?

15 votes

How to avoid the determinism of Passive Perception

13 votes

How does one hide one's class from others?

12 votes

What skill gives knowledge of undead?

11 votes

How can we play every week when the DM can only run the game every two weeks?

11 votes

Do people get XP for battles they weren't in?

10 votes

Protecting Ioun Stones from theft and damage

8 votes

I rolled a 20 on a stealth check. What now?

8 votes

Water Weird Attack Weirdness

7 votes

What do you do when your players guess your plots?

6 votes

Could a campaign become demotivating, if there are too many options?

6 votes

Troublesome player that I can't convince to change and can't exclude from group

4 votes

How can I engage players after character death in a one-shot dungeon-crawl?

3 votes

Is a Ruling Automatically Also a Houserule?

3 votes

Can I stop this homebrewed Lucky Coin ability from being exploited?

2 votes

How to slow down sessions?

2 votes

Taking Control Back as a DM?

2 votes

Is it normal for a 2nd/3rd-level party to face a sub-boss that has AC 20?

2 votes

How do I respond when players stray from my prepared material?

2 votes

Tried all the existing advice, but players still never roleplay fear

2 votes

Should I allow a Wondrous Item on level 1 character creation?

2 votes

Given this specific land and business, what can the PCs expect to earn from it?

2 votes

Can you store cantrips in a Ring of Spell Storing?

2 votes

How does zen archer monk trick shot work?

2 votes

Is there any way to stop a player from charging into every room?

2 votes

I saved my players from a tough battle, what now?

2 votes

How can I have low-level 5e necromancer NPCs controlling many, many undead in this converted adventure?

1 vote

How do I handle a player asking insistently about game secrets between sessions?

1 vote

Is using a wand for healing viable for level 1 party?