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Questions tagged [mouse-guard]

For questions about Mouse Guard, a tabletop RPG created by Luke Crane based on the Mouse Guard comic books (by David Petersen) and his own Burning Wheel system. The Mouse Guard editions have a lot in common, so this tag is appropriate for most questions except the handful of edition-specific mechanics.

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4 votes
1 answer

Is Falling applicable to Mouse Guard and similar classless games?

I've got a strong inclination to purchase Falling in preparation for running some classless games like Mouse Guard or Call of Cthulhu. Are the steps inside largely applicable to a game like Mouse ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How do node-based scenarios interact with the GM vs. Players turn system in Mouse Guard?

With node-based scenarios, you plan multiple nodes and place three or more clues from the current node to adjacent nodes. The Alexandrian has a good series on them, that starts here. From what I ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I add castable magic spells to Mouse Guard?

In How can we add magic to the game? Glazius comprehensively covers most magic systems and how to add them to Mouse Guard, at the end they give the option Not A Dodge: Actual Magic Systems ..but this ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How can I manage player's secret actions on play by chat in Mouse Guard?

I'm planning on running Mouse Guard 1e in a play by chat environment without extra channels or private rooms. Part of conflict resolution (at least what I can remember, I can't find my rule book atm) ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

What are the differences between the first and second editions of Mouse Guard?

I have the hardcover first edition of Mouse Guard, and I’ve been trying to determine what differences there are in content between the book, the box set and the second edition versions of both. ...
Guybrush McKenzie's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How can we add magic to the game?

Aside from the mice (and weasels) in clothes using weapons and tools, Mouse Guard is a game that's fairly well-grounded in reality. If we wanted to tell stories with more magical elements to them, how ...
Glazius's user avatar
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6 votes
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How can we play different types of animals?

Mouse Guard only lets you create mice as player characters, but we want to tell a story about all manner of woodland creatures living, working, and fighting together. How can we do that with the Mouse ...
Glazius's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

What are the benefits for having a higher Nature score?

Looking at the character creation ("Recruitment") chapter, it seems keeping Nature low is always beneficial. I get access to more traits and avoid a penalty to Fighter, a skill that will ...
Glazius's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How am I supposed to read these weapon cards?

The Mouse Guard RPG boxed set came with weapon cards like this one for reference: How am I supposed to read this? There's a bunch of "+1D" in the rules, but what does "+1s" mean? ...
Glazius's user avatar
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About mouse guard [closed]

Questions, firstly, what does +1s mean? I still do not understand how weapons benefit the player using them. Secondly, wouldn't all players be better off with a low Nature score? what are the benefits ...
Nicholas Bambrick's user avatar
6 votes
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Placing Critters in the appropriate place in the Natural Order Hierarchy in Mouse Guard

I am currently developing a campaign setting using the rules and lore for Mouse Guard. The setting will be similar but not in the same geographical location (Northern Michigan) that the original was ...
VerasVitas's user avatar
9 votes
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Balancing new critters in Mouse Guard

I am currently developing a campaign setting using the rules and lore for Mouse Guard. The setting will be similar but not in the same geographical location (Northern Michigan) that the original was ...
VerasVitas's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How can I better reward progression in a Mouse Guard campaign?

Mouse Guard uses a modified version of the Burning Wheel system. Within the modified rules set the players can immediately choose from a Rank and Age that both carry with them certain in game ...
VerasVitas's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How should I run an encounter involving scouting out an area then setting an ambush afterwards?

Currently, I am designing a campaign in Mouse Guard 2nd Ed involving the patrol delivering the mail to all of the minor settlements in the territories and stumbling into huge conflicts through doing ...
Areadbhair's user avatar
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6 votes
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How can I make battles to the death less random?

This is the thing: One of my players has a character with Fighting in 6. Last session, the entire patrol fought an Owl, and the last action was an Attack vs Attack with lots of successes, so they ...
Cuenta Cuentos's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Can't I just attack the unarmored mice?

I've been reading through the Mouse Guard 2nd edition rulebook, planning on eventually GMing a game. As I understand it, in combat it's a battle of teams rather than individuals. However, in the ...
DaaaahWhoosh's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Tenderpaw two-year-limit vs age

A tenderpaw may not remain so for more than two years. However, the minimum age for the next rank of guardmouse is four years higher that the minimum age for tenderpaw. How do you resolve this ...
Southpaw Hare's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

How do you play Mouseguard (2nd edition) with a group of five?

My group is playing Mouseguard on the "off weeks" of a different RPG so it's a bit difficult to simply kick someone out of the group for this. My main problem is how do you deal with ...
sedamk's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to roleplay maneuver in a journey conflict as the GM/season/environment

I'm new to Mouse Guard and am having a hard time with the journey conflict. How do I describe the use of maneuver as employed by the season/environment? Maybe it just doesn't make sense and I ...
Joey Meatstick's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How long is the Players' Turn?

I recently finished reading the Player's Handbook (hare-riding, sword-wielding, caped mice — what more could I ask for?) and I'm having a hard time understanding the length of the Players' Turn. Let'...
Cuenta Cuentos's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Are the Mouse Guard cards compatible with Torchbearer?

I have the Action, Weapon and Condition cards from the Mouse Guard box set (first edition, in case it matters). I want to run Torchbearer, which is based on MG. Can I just use the Mouse Guard cards to ...
Anaphory's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Does distance in the Mouse Territories matter for setting Obs and declaring Journey conflicts?

Distance is not covered in the core rulebook at all (that I can find). Without knowing how far it is from town to town and the speed a mouse can travel at (depending on season) how do you set the ...
dtw's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Could passing both Obstacle tests make for a very short GM turn?

I'm very new to RPGs but I'm very interested in Mouse Guard. I have been thinking a lot about trying to start a novice group as the GM. I have read the 1st Ed. Core rulebook several times and one ...
dtw's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

What does "Hard" mean in Mouse Guard?

One thing about Mouse Guard that still baffles me when thinking about it is the difference between the rules for obstacles, that state (p88 of the Mouse Guard RPG, or p.86 in some printings) ...Ob4 ...
Adriano Varoli Piazza's user avatar
17 votes
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What can I leave out of a first session?

I'm about to run my first session of Mouse Guard. The group has never played it. We'll have a 4 hour session. What should I emphasize and what should I leave out? My feel is that the flavor of the ...
Adriano Varoli Piazza's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Can one win points for acting both for and against belief in a session?

Page 52 of the Mouse Guard manual states "if your character's actions in the game reflect his Belief, you earn one fate point. You may get this award once per session." [Example follows] Page 53 ...
Adriano Varoli Piazza's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How long would the example session in the MouseGuard corebook be?

I'm trying to learn MouseGuard. So far, the snags are as follow: I just finished a first read through. I haven't GMed or played the game. It feels like there are a lot of moving parts to keep track ...
Adriano Varoli Piazza's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Attack versus Feint

When using a Feint in Mouse Guard, the rules say this: Feint is a special attack. if played against Defend, the Defender may not test. The Feinter makes an independent test; successes reduce his ...
IgneusJotunn's user avatar
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6 votes
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How should I replace a skill for a wild animal in Mouse Guard if it doesn't have one?

So the Mouse Guard source book has entries on some wild animals people can use for their encounters. Here is a sample entry: Green Snake The green snake is a beautiful snake named for its brilliant ...
OddCore's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Do rules for using mounts in Mouse Guard exist?

I know that mounts are mentioned in the rules book, in passing, when discussing the stats for a Hare. No mechanics are given in the core book. Have errata/clarifications/add-ons been produced? Either ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
30 votes
1 answer

How do Mouse Guard and Burning Wheel differ?

I am familiar with the rules of Mouse Guard, but not Burning Wheel. I've been told/read somewhere that Mouse Guard is a simplification of the BW rule set. How do they differ mechanically? How much ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
24 votes
5 answers

Could a mouse kill a bear?

I'm planning for a Mouse Guard game that will culminate in the players facing down a bear! The rules cover such scenarios far too briefly, only stating that you would need 20,000 mice to do so (via ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Do Laborers need tools to make tests, or do they get an extra die for having tools?

On p249 of the Mouse Guard rules PDF (build date 2008-11-28), the Laborer skill says "Laborers need tools from a smith". I can read this two ways: • Smiths can provide tools as supplies to Laborers, ...
Viktor Haag's user avatar
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8 votes
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What's the risk in Helping a teammate during a conflict?

When giving a Helping die in Mouse Guard, the trade-off is that one is bound by the success or failure consequences. But how is that a downside in a conflict? Each of the team members is already ...
bignose's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

What are weapons for characters in a Journey conflict?

The “Resolution” chapter in Mouse Guard specifies weapons for all types of conflict, except Journey. What weapons make sense for a Journey conflict?
bignose's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

What statistics should we use for Duck in Mouse Guard?

The Mouse Guard world clearly has ducks, but the RPG doesn't include them. What stats should a Duck have in Mouse Guard? Dave Petersen has illustrated mice interacting with ducks in Mouse Guard. Heck,...
bignose's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

What tests can Nature (Mouse) be substituted for?

How can I resolve the contradictory rules on what tests can be substituted with Mouse Nature? Mouse Guard p. 232: under “Acting with Your Nature”, the rules say “When action in the game involves ...
bignose's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

In a Mouse Guard fight, does each team target a specific other team with each move?

The Mouse Guard rules are unclear on whether -- during an extended conflict, a team's actions specifically address only a single other team on each phase of the turn. I think so, but not everyone in ...
clweeks's user avatar
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