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okeefe's user avatar
okeefe's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Boston
7 votes

What are ability scores (not modifiers) used for?

7 votes

How to objectively set a mid-point between HOP and HAP?

7 votes

How much food is considered substantial?

7 votes

Magus' Accurate Strike - do melee touch attack rolls add weapon enhancement bonus?

7 votes

With a negative Strength value, how much damage can I do?

7 votes

How many people can use Aid Another to help on a craft check?

7 votes

In Fate Can you Generate Multiple Spin from One Roll?

7 votes

Justifications for the existence of cyberpsychosis

7 votes

What can Shardminds do instead of sleep?

7 votes

Does "Grit" give temporary hit points for heals that say "as if you had spent a healing surge?"

7 votes

Where can I find information on swift actions?

7 votes

Where Can I Find Hex Paper Notebooks?

7 votes

Techniques for skimming through travel (fast travel) without meta-teleportation

7 votes

Systems similar to D&D 3.5

7 votes

What is the penalty for stealthing at normal speed?

7 votes

What would be a good randomiser to use for a game in the dark?

7 votes

What role-playing games best emulate a non-mystical Old West setting?

7 votes

How much damage is caused by a thrown coin?

7 votes

Where can I find actual play podcasts for RPGs?

7 votes

When GMing a game, how much should you prepare in advance?

6 votes

4e Skills in D&D 3.5?

6 votes

Techniques for allowing character defeat without character death

6 votes

Pre-painted Miniatures for D&D other than from Wizards

6 votes

Regional Resource Management and Trade Rules

6 votes

Preventing character skill from impeding player enjoyment

6 votes

Are the victims of Wrathful Aspect spared if they are immune to Fear?

6 votes

Does Sage of Ages roll replacement happen before or after the roll?

6 votes

Is there one type of combat system considered to be more deadly than other alternatives?

6 votes

RPG Systems with Attribute-based learning speed

6 votes

Looking for a nice magic system to convert to FATE

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