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What attack table do we use to resolve a thrown weapons attack?

I cannot find in the rules what table should be used to resolve attacks when done with a thrown weapon. For example, if a character throws an axe at an enemy, should AT-1 (1-handed slashing) or AT-4 (...
pgedm's user avatar
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Rules for crafting magic items or spells in Middle Earth Roleplaying System (MERP)?

For example, can I play an Elven character who specializes in crafting magic rings and apprenticed with Celebrimbor? I haven't seen specific rules in the MERP rule books, perhaps there are supplements ...
RobertF's user avatar
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Is material from Adventures of Middle-Earth adaptable for Rolemaster?

I am currently running a Rolemaster campaign set in Middle Earth, TA 1640. I have source material for Rhudaur (where the group is right now), Rivendell, and Angmar. I have come across this book ...
ElBarto's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I make a Beorning Shapechanger in MERP?

My friends and I are starting a MERP campaign and only I have experience with MERP. One of my friends wanted to be a shape-changer, but my Second Edition MERP book does not cover how to use Martial ...
Asher -half-elf turned GM-'s user avatar
6 votes
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Blocking and parrying with two weapons

I've been mastering a game of MERP where my PCs didn't take much care about protecting themselves and attacked at full force each round, only subtracting the Defensive Bonus from their shields from ...
Desolli's user avatar
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4 answers

How can I manage my player's perpetual invisibility?

I'm mastering a game using the MERP second edition rules. One of the players was lucky enough to start with an Item which contains a daily spell, which he chose to be Invisibility (from the Illusion ...
Desolli's user avatar
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Is there a hitpoint limit?

Is there a cap to how many hitpoints a character can develop in MERP, or can a character keep putting development points into body development out to eternity?
Soldier of Vol's user avatar
7 votes
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What can my party do to defeat a Barrow Wight permanently?

Between a variety of magical, blessed, and silvered weapons we have enough ways of killing it. The problem is that upon killing it we must dispel it or it will just come back. The party has a ranger ...
Soldier of Vol's user avatar
5 votes
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Is there any way to change my realm of magic?

I am currently participating in a MERP campaign in which I play a 3rd level fighter.When I generated said Fighter I researched spellcasting. Fighters can only learn very low level spells and have to ...
Soldier of Vol's user avatar
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What does the animal empathy background special bonus apply to?

The 56–60 background result “Empathy with a type of animal” on CGT-2 — Background Options Table is a little bit obscurely worded. It says, Any maneuver on or with such an animal receives a special ...
Soldier of Vol's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Can I cast multiple copies of Bless at a time?

I play a level 2 ranger in MERP and I am in the possession of a +2 spell adder. I was thinking about taking the protection spell list and I was wondering if I could somehow stack multiple castings of ...
Soldier of Vol's user avatar
5 votes
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What spell list available to a level 2 ranger is most useful against undead?

In the campaign I am currently participating in I play a level 2 ranger. The GM has informed us through an NPC that we will be heading into a large expanse of ghost, skeleton, and Barrow Wight ...
Soldier of Vol's user avatar
12 votes
8 answers

How can I revitalize an open sand box campaign?

Our group has an open sand box campaign going on for more than 2 or 3 years now, using MERP/Rolemaster. It's something we all love, have grown quite fond of and we all got attached to our characters. ...
fgysin's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How to Balance Magical vs Non-Magical Classes

From my experience non-magical classes in Rolemaster, i.e. combat-focused warriors and the like, do the majority of their advancement in the first couple of levels - say 1 to 6. After that the combat ...
fgysin's user avatar
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24 votes
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How to Reconcile the MERP/RM High-Magic System with the Low-Magic Middle Earth Setting?

Our group is regularly playing in Tolkiens Middle Earth universe, and we use a combination of MERP extended with Rolemaster as our system. And from what I gathered online, this seems to be a popular ...
fgysin's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to manage unarmed combat?

In MERP it seems that there is no combat table for unarmed combat: bare punchs and kicks, like those a character may face in a tavern, where unsheathing a sword may put the combat beyond the ...
Envite's user avatar
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2 answers

What happens when an Uruk gets an elvish sword?

In Lord of the Rings canon, elvish swords glow brightly when an orc is near. And Uruk-hai are just a kind of orc. In the campaign I'm running, orcs and Uruk-hai are allowed as player characters. One ...
Envite's user avatar
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Migration from MERP to Rolemaster

I have a MERP campaign with MERP characters, ambiented in ME. In the future the characters will (I hope) grow in level approaching level 10 and thus reaching the limit of MERP. That can happen before ...
Envite's user avatar
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How can a Level 1 Mage be useful to the group?

In MERP, Level 1 characters can only cast Level 1 spells, which are quite limited (projecting light, making an object vibrate, and such). This in turn makes the wizard unable to gather XP as fast as ...
Envite's user avatar
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17 votes
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Playing a loyal character without it being boring

I've been playing a character in a long running campaign (2+ years) that consists of a relatively large number of players (approx. 6 regulars and another 2-3 semi-regulars). Due to the number of ...
link64's user avatar
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4 answers

Wages and economy in Rolemaster/MERP

We have been playing MERP (Middle Earth Role Playing game) for some years. Essentially all the old Editions by ICE (Iron Crown Enterprises), that use/extend Rolemaster. There are some lists of prices ...
fgysin's user avatar
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