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83 votes

How would a player character pay for an item that costs less than 1cp?

As a DM, you aren't required to obey the strict prices set in the PHB. The prices listed are mostly just used as guides for creating characters on a budget; once you're in the adventuring world, goods ...
Xirema's user avatar
  • 53.1k
65 votes

How much should NPCs charge for spells cast as services to PCs?

The answer to this is two-fold. So, to give the TL;DR first... The Equation you cited is most likely accurate, but it only applies to Adventurer's League play. It is not part of the core rules. Where ...
guildsbounty's user avatar
  • 66.3k
61 votes

How big is a 5000 gp diamond?

Keep in mind that in real life (which may be compared to dnd only spuriously) qualities such as clarity, cut and sometimes even history can affect a diamond's value. Now on to dnd 5th edition. In the ...
Daveman's user avatar
  • 6,455
53 votes

How much do sheep cost?

The "Trade Goods" section of the PHB (pg. 157) states that a sheep is worth 2gp.
Icyfire's user avatar
  • 63.9k
52 votes

How would a player character pay for an item that costs less than 1cp?

By haggling, probably unsuccessfully. In the real world, I can walk into a grocery store (supermarket or locally owned) that sells eggs in cartons of a dozen, pick up a carton for $1.50, calculate ...
Bloodcinder's user avatar
  • 30.4k
52 votes

What is the most expensive material in the world that could be used to create Pun-Pun's lute?

Black, pure, abyssal bloodiron, strung with a dragon's vocal cords and demilich teeth (~44,000 gp) I'm starting with the following assumptions: Pun-Pun can only exist in D&D 3.0/3.5, so only ...
Quadratic Wizard's user avatar
51 votes

How much would a +7 AC magic item be worth?

The item is completely gamebreaking and cannot have a value applied. As you correctly identified, this item totally breaks the system mechanics, making it very easy for the wearer to achieve an AC ...
Darth Pseudonym's user avatar
49 votes

What is a reasonable player cost for Manor rebuilding?

11k gp renovation; 10gp/day upkeep/operating costs, or maybe less. Renovation/Rebuilding I'll tell you what's reasonable: referencing 2e's The Castle Guide. In previous years I've done comparisons ...
nitsua60's user avatar
  • 102k
49 votes

How big is a 5000 gp diamond?

About 5000 gp big. The primary in game identifier for diamonds is their value, so this is a question for your DM. Since your DM is the one responsible for world-building, it is up to them how the ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
49 votes

Why would anyone buy a Pony over a Mule?

The saying goes "stubborn as a mule". You are thinking about this out of character while looking at game mechanics. Yeah, the mule is better-by-the-numbers, and if that's all you ever ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
44 votes

How much is unrefined gold ore worth?

This is more of an industrial mining question than an RPG one, but pretty much the gaming answer is: whatever you want it to be. The thing with "gold ore" is that it's a mixture of valuable gold and ...
Erik's user avatar
  • 82.2k
43 votes

What does it cost to buy a tavern?

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist provides an option Warning: possible spoilers of the adventure ahead. Besides the option above, if you want to build one from the ground up, your best guideline is to use the ...
Kuerten's user avatar
  • 6,010
40 votes

What makes a spellcasting component worth x gp?

Value is absolute The rules of D&D seem to assume that value is absolute, not relative. That is to say, things have the value that they have (especially precious items like gems and jewels, ...
Carcer's user avatar
  • 66.5k
39 votes

Is the material component of the Protection from Evil and Good spell supposed to be that pricey?

First off, I somewhat disagree with Jeremy Crawford's tweet. Since no cost or amount of holy water is listed, I (as DM) would not expect you have to expend an entire flask -- I would expect it to be ...
Darth Pseudonym's user avatar
36 votes

How much do sheep cost?

Sheep are worth 2gp according to the Trade Goods table in the Equipment chapter of the Players Handbook or basic rules.
Derek Stucki's user avatar
  • 27.8k
35 votes

What makes a spellcasting component worth x gp?

No, buying a cheap pearl for 100 gp doesn't work The rules say "worth at least 100 gp", not "bought for at least 100 gp". If you buy a cheap pearl from another character for 100 gp, it doesn't become ...
enkryptor's user avatar
  • 70.8k
33 votes

How much will studying magic in an academy cost?

It's going to be up to the DM 5e doesn't cover schooling costs for Wizards, but I'll leave it to others better versed in D&D lore to see if it's covered in other editions and, if so, to update ...
NotArch's user avatar
  • 126k
30 votes

What is the most expensive material in the world that could be used to create Pun-Pun's lute?

Star metal at 10,000 gp per pound Star Metal is the most expensive material I could find. From Forgotten Realms Adventures (AD&D 2e, p.141): A typical price was 10,000 gp per pound (22,100 gp/...
ShadowKras's user avatar
  • 61.6k
30 votes

What does it cost to buy a tavern?

The rules provide no clear answer to the cost of purchasing a tavern. Maintenance costs of a tavern are described in detail (DMG 127). The purchase of a tavern is not described in detail, but there ...
Akixkisu's user avatar
  • 19.7k
28 votes

Price of Volo's Guide to Monsters?

50 gp, based on Tomb of Annihilation. In the Tomb of Annihilation module, in the Chult region of the Forgotten Realms, players can buy a copy for 50 gp. However, it comes with limitations. If the ...
Akixkisu's user avatar
  • 19.7k
25 votes

Can the sapphire crushed as part of the Drawmij's Instant Summons spell be mended and sold for the original price?

The question seems to boil down to the ability to mend a crushed gem. The Instant Summons spell is not relevant to what you're ultimately asking. Mending states: "... repairs a single break or ...
schroeder's user avatar
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23 votes

Are expensive material component costs too specific?

The rules for grand jewels don't peak their value at 5,000 gp. Grand Jewels (5,000 gp or more): clearest bright green emerald; diamond; jacinth; ruby Grand jewels can be worth more than 5,000gp, ...
willuwontu's user avatar
  • 12.3k
21 votes

How much does mandrake root cost?

Mandrake is a common plant of no particular value Mandrake is a common flower (in many parts of Europe). There is no indication that this material component should be any pricier, or harder to find, ...
Tim Grant's user avatar
  • 26.1k
21 votes

How much should NPCs charge for cantrips cast as services to PCs?

Maybe 2.5 gp, if we consider cantrips as level 1/2 spells In most respects, cantrips are treated as level 0 spells. There's no core rules to describe how much spellcasting services cost, but as you'...
Carcer's user avatar
  • 66.5k
21 votes

What is the most expensive material in the world that could be used to create Pun-Pun's lute?

Riverine from Stormwrack is water trapped between carefully-shaped walls of force. It’s fantastically expensive (2,000 gp/lb. for non-armor item), would be preposterously difficult to make into a lute,...
KRyan's user avatar
  • 361k
20 votes

How much does mandrake root cost?

There is no Official Source It's not priced anywhere in the PHB, MM, or DMG, meaning that it would be completely up to your DM. If your DM is feeling generous, they may say that a component pouch ...
Ladifas's user avatar
  • 8,989
20 votes

What are the specifics for a Block of Incense?

There are many items left undefined; they are left up to the GM There are several items in the Player's Handbook which are left undefined, such as the Mess Kit, Grappling Hook, Hammer, and Chain; and ...
Exempt-Medic's user avatar
  • 76.8k
19 votes

Why is buying starting items so expensive?

Your calculation is off. The expected value of 4d4×10 is 100, more than double the cost of the pack. Even for classes that buy relatively expensive starting items (mainly armor) this budget won'...
Szega's user avatar
  • 61.9k
18 votes

What is the most expensive material in the world that could be used to create Pun-Pun's lute?

Thinaun Thinaun is a dark, glittering metal with the strength and weight of steel. It is extremely rare, being found almost exclusively in the Outer Planes, but its true value comes from its ...
Tobyhn's user avatar
  • 397
18 votes

Price for creating a Robe of Protection from Evil

This item basically exists: the phylactery of protection from evil, on page 58 of Dragon 342. It's CL 7, costs 30,000 gp, and gives continuous protection from evil. The robe body slot has an affinity ...
Prevarications's user avatar

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