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  • Member for 3 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
19 votes

Polymorphing back to original race. Do I get my racial bonuses back?

18 votes

Price for creating a Robe of Protection from Evil

15 votes

Does a Druid using Aquatic Escape drop to Int 1?

14 votes

Does Hypnotism allows PC to mimic permanent charm/dominate effect?

12 votes

I seek some campaign setting, but I only remember the description of one creature from this

12 votes

Which version of the red wizard’s circle magic is correct, the text or the example?

9 votes

What kind of ability is activating a magical item: EX, SU, SP, or something else?

9 votes

Issues with Clay Golem's Cursed Wounds?

9 votes

Where do I find this encounter next to the exit of an underwater chute after a shipwreck caused by weather control magic?

9 votes

What is the rule preventing a Sneak Attack + Ice Darts combo?

8 votes

Is death the end of an encounter for the character?

8 votes

Can we ignore cover with melee weapons?

7 votes

Are there any size increases that don’t reduce Dexterity?

7 votes

Is there a feat to allow a weapon to hit an incorporeal creature?

7 votes

How many servants can this Vampire summon to “moon” the party?

6 votes

Is there a way to speak with vermin (spiders specifically)?

6 votes

Is Weapon Finesse useful for non-Rogues?

6 votes

In Sinister Spire's Drow save bonus?

6 votes

How can a permanently remove the incorporeal subtype from my character?

5 votes

Strong, safe from harm, Polymorph form for a Familiar

5 votes

Apply force armor from mage armor/inertial armor/etc. against touch attacks?

5 votes

If X dispels Y, what if X or Y is not a spell or spell-like effect?

5 votes

Is this homebrew creature(s) balanced?

4 votes

Are Solars unkillable in a dead magic area or anti-magic field?

4 votes

What cleric and wizard spells can I use to maximize my immunities?

4 votes

Is a 1st-level sha’ir/1st-level anima mage possible?

4 votes

Is there any option that allows sneak attack against someone your allies are flanking?

3 votes

Are there any known methods or suggestions for reverting a Shadow Dragon to original form

3 votes

What is the cost of making a custom armor Celestial?

3 votes

Does the Obscure Object hide things inside the object?