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Pliny's user avatar
Pliny's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
33 votes

How do I kill a 20th level raging Zealot Barbarian?

21 votes

PCs want to hire help for fighting a dragon. Will it cheapen the fight if I let them?

12 votes

I need a "Suicide Squad" control for an adventure party

9 votes

When do Druids gain the ability to cast each spell level?

6 votes

What is your movement rate in lava?

5 votes

What are the official ways a tier 2 PC can improve its Intelligence permanently?

5 votes

Is weapon reach measured from the edge of the mount's space or the rider's?

4 votes

How can I present an "unsolvable right now" puzzle without frustrating my players?

4 votes

How much will studying magic in an academy cost?

3 votes

How can PCs discover embedded Deep Scions against their will?

3 votes

How can I set up a long-range alarm for my fortress?

3 votes

Can I reappear on the other side of a wall if I Blink and then pass through it?

3 votes

Dealing with new rules as a new Player

2 votes

Is there any way to raise a wizard's familiar's Intelligence?

1 vote

Are there any official rules for sharing a held breath?

1 vote

How can I make and enforce a rule that would prevent PvP fighting?

1 vote

Does Dragon's Breath break Sanctuary?

1 vote

Can you wear padded armor under chainmail with plate armor over it?

1 vote

Given enough time, can a wizard transmute a living creature?

1 vote

How does Extra attack interact with multi attack?

0 votes

How does crown of madness work when triggered using glyph of warding?

0 votes

Can animated undead wear armor and use weapons?

0 votes

What are the impacts of changing a Ranger's spellcasting ability?

-2 votes

On abilities that depend on the value of damage caused, do we account for the target's resistances?

-2 votes

Why is the Pillar of 1,000 Arrows a CR 2 trap?

-3 votes

Can a Warlock become a lich?

-3 votes

Which benefits from Barbarian, Monk, or Rogue multiclassing work in Moon Druid beast form?

-3 votes

Does unlimited Wild Shape make Circle of the Moon archdruids virtually unkillable?

-3 votes

What happens when a glyph of warding with Blink is triggered?

-4 votes

Can Mage Hand be used to scribe the circle of blood used in the Summon Lesser Demons and Summon Greater Demon spells?