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r256's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
41 votes

Can a Legendary monster ignore a Divination wizard's Portent feature and choose to pass the save anyway?

17 votes

Can spells creating extradimensional spaces be cast in Ravenloft?

10 votes

How do druids learn new spells?

10 votes

Does a reformed Lich come back with all its spell slots?

10 votes

Frequency of cantrips outside of battle

8 votes

Are PCs able to appraise the difficulty of an encounter?

8 votes

Is it OK to skip most of the events in Vallaki, in Curse of Strahd?

7 votes

When rolling with disadvantage what is the chance to get a 1?

3 votes

How long does it take to play through Tomb of Annihilation?

3 votes

How are spells made permanent in 5e?

2 votes

How are pluses on vanilla weapons and armour different than previous editions?

1 vote

Can a character react to an action and take a regular action in the same round?