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How does Stand Still and Two-Weapon Rend work together?

Stand Still [General] You can prevent foes from fleeing or closing. Prerequisite Str 13. Benefit When a foe’s movement out of a square you threaten grants you an attack of opportunity, you can give up ...
Terry Windwalker's user avatar
6 votes
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Can slam attacks be used to make attacks of opportunity and deliver at-will spell-like abilities? [closed]

Two questions. Can a creature with a slam attack use it whenever they are able to make an attack of opportunity? Can a creature with a slam attack deliver a at will spell-like ability with the slam ...
Frank Castle's user avatar
9 votes
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Do you provoke an AoO when you evoke a beam with the spell Sunbeam?

During our last game session our cleric used the spell Sunbeam which reads: For the duration of this spell, you can use a standard action to evoke a dazzling beam of intense light each round. We had ...
Peregrin's user avatar
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Are the 'Rules of the Game' web articles for using special attacks as attacks of opportunity corroborated by any other source?

To provide some context, I am prepping a new direction for my players in to the the worlds of H.P Lovecraft for a change of pace. So I would like to use the D20 rules for that and I had a mind to try ...
MichaelDorf's user avatar
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Does trip trigger attack of opportunity when the PC has Improved Unarmed Strike?

Trip You can try to trip an opponent as an unarmed melee attack. You can only trip an opponent who is one size category larger than you, the same size, or smaller. Making a Trip Attack Make an unarmed ...
Terry Windwalker's user avatar
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Standing while tripped [closed]

In my time playing 3.5, Improved Trip has been the go to over all the other Improved "other actions". Improved Trip Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when you attempt to ...
DRochon's user avatar
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Anything other than Combat Reflexes for more AoOs?

The D&D 3.5e counterpart to a previous question of mine: how do I get more attacks of opportunity as a low-Dex character? Between heavy armor, penalties from increasing my size, and grapples ...
KRyan's user avatar
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Preventing AOO during a charge

A DM ruled that a charge doesnt provoke an AOO because there is a feat that makes jump checks work like tumble. He could not come up with the name or source of the feat. And it was eventually ...
CrimRei's user avatar
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Can the Sidestep feat be used to avoid attacks?

The sidestep feat states the following: Once per round, when you make an attack of opportunity, you may take a 5- foot step after you attack. This 5-foot step doesn't count against your limit of ...
Arthaban's user avatar
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Does the extra movement you get from the Travel Devotion Feat provoke attacks of opportunity?

If you employ the domain feat Travel Devotion (Complete Champion, p. 62) you can Once per day as a swift action, (...) activate this ability to move up to your speed as a swift action each round. ...
Peregrin's user avatar
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Does falling out of a threatened square trigger an attack of opportunity?

My party's warlock is hovering twenty feet above water and is surrounded by enemies at the same hover height as him. Our warblade does not fly. If our bard activates a wand of benign transposition ...
JoshuaD's user avatar
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Do Familiars provoke Attacks of Opportunity when delivering touch spells?

Now looking online I found this: If the master is 3rd level or higher, a familiar can deliver touch spells for him. If the master and the familiar are in contact at the time the master casts a touch ...
Alex Pap's user avatar
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How many attacks of opportunity trampling creature should provoke?

This question is an extention of a discussion on the subject. You may gain some insight for answering this question from there. I'm interested in an explanation on when does trampling creature ...
annoying imp's user avatar
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Can you make an attack of opportunity before you have acted in that round combat?

We had a recent question in my party today regarding when you can make an attack of opportunity. One group believes that you only threaten squares after you have come up in the initiative order for ...
Critical Crafting's user avatar
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If I use Mountain Avalanche, do I take Attacks of Opportunity from every enemy I approach to trample?

Mountain Avalanche (Stone Dragon 5 maneuver, ToB p84) lets you trample opponents. Do I receive an AoO from every enemy I try to trample when I move into their space, and another one for leaving it1? ...
András's user avatar
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Cometary Collision vs a Large opponent's AoO

So I have this situation: Largo the Large, who is Large (and a humanoid, so he gets reach), charges Count Countercharge, who has readied his Cometary Collision feat, and is Medium-sized. The question ...
ThanosMaravel's user avatar
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Does the Feat "Shorten Grip" allow an Attack of Opportunity against an adjacent opponent?

Shorten Grip: When wielding a pole arm with reach that you are proficient with, you may treat the weapon as if it did not have reach. The weapon is unwieldy when used in this fashion and you take a -2 ...
TheQ's user avatar
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Can you make AoOs against targets you can't see?

In 5e, you can only make opportunity attacks against targets you can see. I can't find similar language in 3.5, but the rules are a bit scattered. Can an invisible attacker run circles around you ...
András's user avatar
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Does the Snap Kick feat apply to Attacks of Opportunity?

Does the Snap Kick feat work on Attacks of Opportunity (letting you make another attack)? If yes, is the -2 to attack rolls cumulative?
András's user avatar
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What ways are there to enter a foe's space without triggering an Attack of Opportunity?

A friend is suggesting a very odd Christmas one-shot, where everyone plays as kids, talking animals, snowmen, etc...but also as 20th level Gestalt characters, allowing just about any Pathfinder or 3.5 ...
Jeff Fry's user avatar
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Does wielding an improvised weapon allow for attacks of opportunity?

Would a fighter wielding a torch in his primary hand and holding a large shield in the other hand be allowed to perform an Attack of Opportunity with the torch from an opponent who provoked one in the ...
KilrathiSly's user avatar
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Can a Spiked Gauntlet worn by a polearm-wielding Fighter allow him to do attacks of opportunity with it?

If a fighter is wearing Spiked Gauntlets wielding a Ranseur, does he threaten both the 5' area around him with the piked gauntlets and the 10' with the Ranseur which would allow him to make an attack ...
KilrathiSly's user avatar
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Can you take free actions during attacks of opportunity?

I have read some claim that free actions cannot be taken during attacks of opportunity. However, Free Action Free actions consume a very small amount of time and effort. You can perform one or ...
Wyrmwood's user avatar
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Can you trip a jumping character?

I have a frankly nightmarish build with a lot of reach and a huge bonus to tripping. Then I started wondering about how this build would fare in a fight with an ubercharger. You can trip while ...
Elliot's user avatar
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In a game with immediate actions, would combat reflexes grant extra immediate actions instead of additional attacks of opportunity?

Assuming that we make a house rule that contradicts Greysage’s answer for Is an attack of opportunity an immediate action?, would combat reflexes be able to grant additional immediate actions rather ...
MrHiTech's user avatar
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Is an attack of opportunity an immediate action?

If you make an attack of opportunity, can you take an immediate action in the same round? It would make sense because immediate actions were invented after the PH (and therefore AoOs), but is this RAW?...
MrHiTech's user avatar
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Can you provoke an AoO as a free action?

Big Ooze threatens all. Warlock is unconscious. Warblade is standing tall. Warblade took his turn already. Paladin heals Warlock. Can Warblade take a free/immediate action to “lower defenses” to ...
FrancisJohn's user avatar
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Does activating a spell like ability while grappled trigger an AOO from someone nearby?

Our warlock is grappled by a black pudding. There is a second black pudding standing in an adjacent square, currently not involved in the grapple. If the warlock activates his Eldritch Blast (Sp) ...
JoshuaD's user avatar
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Can a readied action or an attack of opportunity interrupt and thus cancel another action?

Can an attack of opportunity or a readied action interfere with another creature's action so that the creature, essentially, loses that action? Example 1: Nadir the rogue and Peake the bugbear are ...
KilrathiSly's user avatar
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How many attacks of opportunity can a hydra make?

The hydra gains as a bonus feat Combat Reflexes (Player's Handbook 92). However, the hydra description amends the feat to the following: Feats: A hydra’s Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all ...
Hey I Can Chan's user avatar
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Does falling through an enemy's threatened area trigger an attack of opportunity?

More specifically, if you fall off of a gargantuan dragon would it get an attack on you while you are falling?
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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Are a blinded creature's squares as hard to Tumble through as a sighted creature's?

One of the Tumble skill's skill uses is Tumble at one-half speed through an area occupied by an enemy (over, under, or around the opponent) as part of normal movement, provoking no attacks of ...
Hey I Can Chan's user avatar
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Can you cast on the defensive vs. an invisible opponent?

The PC cleric was not sure whether he was threatened by an invisible opponent, so he chose to cast his spell on the defensive without obvious threat. Assuming there was a threat, could the cleric ...
Giorin's user avatar
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What spaces does a flyer threaten?

Would a small size character hovering above a foe spell caster threaten the square he is in and all squares he could reach with a 5 ft. Step?
Nathtfm's user avatar
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Without Improved Unarmed Strike, does an improved disarm attempt provoke attacks of opportunity?

A PC wields a 1-handed weapon one-handed. He wants to make a disarm attempt with his empty hand. The PC possesses the feat Improved Disarm but not the feat Improved Unarmed Strike or any other similar ...
TheQ's user avatar
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Have the developers of D&D 5e explained why they made Opportunity Attacks work the way they do? [closed]

I have a friend who has a very strong opinion that the rules of threatened range and opportunity attacks D&D 5e are completely irrational, which is fine. As a DM he house-rules the stuff from 3.5e ...
Javelin's user avatar
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Does The Idea Of Threatened Squares Exist in 5e?

Maybe I'm reading this wrong, or perhaps I just never played right in 3.5, but I seem to remember this idea of "threatened squares" which appears done away with in 5e. A mighty warrior approaches a ...
Euch's user avatar
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No idea on how to use Attacks of Opportunity

I am a new DM. My friends are new too to the game as well, so we are trying to get familiar with the rules. One rule that we can't get is the one on attacks of opportunity. My friends say that you ...
user31579's user avatar
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Can reach weapons attack and receive attacks of opportunity with an ally in the way?

Can a reach weapon attack and receive attacks of opportunity through a square occupied by an ally, and without penalty? The situation was a pair of skeletons, one in a single-creature-wide choke ...
Hadrig's user avatar
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Can a feat "interupt" another feat?

Can a feat stop another feat, while said first feat is in effect? For example: Would a character with the feat Deflect Attack (homebrew feat) be able to use the feat Evasive Reflexes When an ...
Simon's user avatar
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Improvised reach weapons

Can you use the rules for improvised weapons and have a large item, such as a 10 feet pole arm to gain reach and threaten a larger area?
Simon's user avatar
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Is merely being armed sufficient to threaten an area?

A typical flat-footed creature can't make attacks of opportunity, but does a flat-footed creature still enable allies to benefit from flanking if the creature's appropriately armed? Similarly, does an ...
Hey I Can Chan's user avatar
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How many Attacks of Opportunity can you take by moving with Robilar's Gambit?

If a player had activated Robilar's Gambit (PHB2 p.82) and then moved through threatened areas for three enemies provoking AoOs from each enemy, could the player get retaliatory AoOs from each enemy ...
Remover of Obstacles's user avatar
12 votes
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Can a character power attack before making an attack of opportunity?

In a recent game, a scenario arose where a character lost initiative but subsequently was granted an attack of opportunity (had Combat Reflexes) by an enemy. There was a follow up discussion about ...
joedragons's user avatar
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Does a Tiny or smaller creature's charge trigger an attack of opportunity?

A Tiny or smaller creature that enter's an opponent's space, be it for attacking or anything else, usually triggers an attack of opportunity. But I don't think charges usually trigger an attack of ...
Ariane's user avatar
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Bracing Against a Charge and Reach

If I were to set myself up to brace for a charge with a Longspear, do I get both my readied attack for double damage when they move into reach and my attack of opportunity for normal damage (or would ...
Dharenis's user avatar
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Can I Cleave during an Attack of Opportunity and then attack with a Readied action?

Is this situation possible? I have Cleave I have readied an action to attack Someone on horseback charges me, and provokes an attack of opportunity from me I take the Attack of Opportunity, attack ...
Barroth's user avatar
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Standard action maneuver AoO

Can you use a standard action maneuver, say mountain hammer, on an attack of opportunity?Could you channel a spell as a dusk blade on an attack of opportunity?
Nathtfm's user avatar
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Does a slender pillar grant just bonuses or does it also grant other benefits?

Miscellaneous Features on Slender Pillar says These pillars are only a foot or two across, so they don’t occupy a whole square. Place a dot in the center of each square that has a slender pillar ...
Hey I Can Chan's user avatar
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Can Cleric attempt to turn undead instead of usual attack of opportunity?

Turning undead is a supernatural ability that a character can perform as a standard action. It does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You must present your holy symbol to turn undead. Turning is ...
Ice Dice's user avatar