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Can Eldritch Blast (with multiple blasts) be used as a Warcaster opportunity attack? [duplicate]

The War Caster feat says: When a hostile creature's movement provokes an opportunity attack from you, you can use your reaction to cast a spell at the creature, rather than making an opportunity ...
K.L.R.'s user avatar
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Does the zweihander sentinel’s armament shield feature allow non-reach attacks with reach weapons?

The zweihander sentinel archetype for the warder has a feature called armament shield: When wielding a one-handed weapon in two hands or a two-handed weapon, the weapon is treated as a light shield ...
Rowan Hamilton's user avatar
15 votes
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Can you grapple a creature as an Opportunity Attack?

Under the 2014 rules, it was accepted that you could not grapple as an Opportunity Attack. Now, with the 2024 rules: Can you grapple a creature as an Opportunity Attack?
Tarod's user avatar
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In the 2024 rules, is the Reactive Strike from Polearm Master considered an opportunity attack?

The 2024 Polearm Master feat says: Reactive Strike. While you’re holding a Quarterstaff, a Spear, or a weapon that has the Heavy and Reach properties, you can take a Reaction to make one melee attack ...
K.L.R.'s user avatar
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With unexpected strike, can I have 2 attacks of opportunity for the same enemy move?

So the ability descriptions reads as follows: Unexpected Strike (Ex) Prerequisite: Barbarian 8 Benefit: The barbarian can make an attack of opportunity against a foe that moves into any square ...
Zaibis's user avatar
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Does Tempestuous Magic allow you to avoid attacks of opportunity *after* they have already triggered?

My level 4 storm sorcerer has the shield spell. Imagine I am within melee range of three enemies. I move out of reach of all three provoking three Attacks of Opportunity (AoO). The first attack hits ...
ManInBlack's user avatar
11 votes
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If a mount provokes opportunity attacks, can its rider be targeted?

Re: Mounted Combat, the 2014 PHB states: if the mount provokes an opportunity attack while you’re on it, the attacker can target you or the mount. However, the 2024 PHB makes no such caveat in the ...
nonymous's user avatar
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How does Stand Still and Two-Weapon Rend work together?

Stand Still [General] You can prevent foes from fleeing or closing. Prerequisite Str 13. Benefit When a foe’s movement out of a square you threaten grants you an attack of opportunity, you can give up ...
Terry Windwalker's user avatar
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Does moving through a target by overruning them provoke an attack of opportunity?

The internet seems to have conflicting opinions about this. What is the RAW answer for this question? If you have the improved feat for a combat maneuver, the maneuver itself doesn't provoke. (Without ...
Amaroq's user avatar
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When making an Attack of Opportunity on a Prone target which is standing up, is the target still considered Prone?

Since the Stand action has the "Move" trait, it can trigger an Attack of Opportunity. When making an Attack of Opportunity on a target which is standing up, is the target considered Prone at ...
Andrendire's user avatar
7 votes
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Can a prone player character use a disengage action in DnD 5e?

My pc has been knocked prone. On his turn can he disengage, crawl out of the enemies's melee range, then stand up ?
Troy Prentice's user avatar
6 votes
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Provoking AOO by moving closer than where a reach weapon can attack?

Suppose a medium PC were wielding a reach weapon. If an enemy were to move through the weapon's reach, and into the 5ft "dead zone" directly adjacent to the PC, would that provoke an attack ...
StarchEater2022's user avatar
4 votes
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Does Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet provoke an attack of opportunity

At level 1, Blood Hunters get to pick a Blood Curse, and one option is the Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet When a creature you can see within 30 feet of you drops to 0 hit points, you can use your ...
Pumpkinjo's user avatar
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Is 'at the end of your turn' also 'on your turn'? [duplicate]

Some effects, like a monster's legendary actions, only happen when a turn ends. Legendary Actions The phoenix can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action ...
user10063's user avatar
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Do creatures with a reach of 0 get attacks of opportunity when a foe moves away?

Some creatures like swarms have a reach of 0 with their attacks-- do they even get attacks of opportunity when someone leaves their reach?
K.L.R.'s user avatar
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Does Reactive Strike counts as an effect, for purpose of Frigid Flurry

Frigid Flurry description end with this specific wording: The wind then picks you up and carries you to the other end of the area; though your movement within the gust can still trigger reactions, ...
Guy with jewels' names's user avatar
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Does a Mesmerists Meek Facade trick prevent Attacks of Opportunity?

The Mesmerist trick Meek Facade reads as follows: Meek Facade: The subject magically seems like a weak target, goading an enemy into attacking her. The mesmerist can trigger this trick when the ...
Yeran's user avatar
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Can slam attacks be used to make attacks of opportunity and deliver at-will spell-like abilities? [closed]

Two questions. Can a creature with a slam attack use it whenever they are able to make an attack of opportunity? Can a creature with a slam attack deliver a at will spell-like ability with the slam ...
Frank Castle's user avatar
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Contingency against an attack of opportunity

Is it possible to use Contingency (7th) spell with Invisibility (heightened 4th), or any other 4th level/rank spell, with a trigger for an Attack of Opportunity? The objective of this "strategy&...
edgardcunha's user avatar
6 votes
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Does a Large creature moving through a threatened area trigger Reactive Strike?

Consider a fighter (green), with a reach weapon (red), confronting an ogre (orange). On the ogre's turn, it Strides five feet southeast and then five feet east, ending adjacent to the fighter. Does ...
darch's user avatar
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Does an opportunity attack allow a monk to use their unarmed bonus attack if they still have it and it’s still their turn?

I’m theorycrafting a new character with a buddy. We’re debating the following. Say we have a monk with access to the dissonant whispers spell from something like the Fey Touched feat. When they cast ...
dairytacticianroa's user avatar
-5 votes
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Do the Friends cantrip and War Caster feat allow a PC to heal another PC as a reaction?

The Friends cantrip turns a creature hostile. When the spell ends, the creature realizes that you used magic to influence its mood and becomes hostile toward you. Opportunity attacks can be made ...
Kerrick's user avatar
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Can I make an opportunity attack as an armorer artificer and echo knight multiclass while wielding a 2H rifle BUT having Guardian Arcane armor on? [duplicate]

So, I have this Armorer artificer Echo knight who is a ranged attacker. Opportunity Attacks only work with melee attacks. In case an opportunity attack is presented, can I just hold the rifle with one ...
chinoscut's user avatar
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Can you use a swift/immediate action to interrupt an attack of opportunity?

Scenario 1: Enemy A has Greater Trip, allowing it to make an attack of opportunity on a successful trip. Player B has Landing Roll, which lets him move 5 feet as an immediate action upon being tripped,...
hamburgerpls's user avatar
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When does the bonus damage of Booming Blade trigger when combined with Warcaster?

Picture the following scenario: I have an enemy in melee range who decides to move away without Disengaging, triggering an Opportunity Attack. However, I have the Warcaster feat: When a hostile ...
vonBoomslang's user avatar
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Do you provoke an AoO when you evoke a beam with the spell Sunbeam?

During our last game session our cleric used the spell Sunbeam which reads: For the duration of this spell, you can use a standard action to evoke a dazzling beam of intense light each round. We had ...
Peregrin's user avatar
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Does a Polearm Master with 10' reach get an opportunity attack vs an enemy 10' away when they step to only 5' away?

Polearm Master states: While you are wielding a glaive, halberd, pike, or quarterstaff, other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they enter the reach you have with that weapon. So ...
K.L.R.'s user avatar
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Are my house rules good to make it easier to run away from combat in 5E?

I want a house rule to make it easier for either side to run away from combat. My main gripe with the standard rule is running away from combat devolving into: A dashes + moves away from B (provokes ...
dreadhawk's user avatar
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Are the 'Rules of the Game' web articles for using special attacks as attacks of opportunity corroborated by any other source?

To provide some context, I am prepping a new direction for my players in to the the worlds of H.P Lovecraft for a change of pace. So I would like to use the D20 rules for that and I had a mind to try ...
MichaelDorf's user avatar
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How does the Crusher feat's push interact with opportunity attacks?

The second benefit of the Crusher feat says (TCoE, p. 79): Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack that deals bludgeoning damage, you can move it 5 feet to an unoccupied space, provided ...
Luiz Tomikawa's user avatar
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Opportunity attacks vs unseen servant

Does an unseen servant provoke an enemy's opportunity attack? Scenario: I disarm an enemy and use my bonus action to command an unseen servant to pick up the opponent's item and carry it away ...
Dfvx990mq321pl's user avatar
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Tunnel Fighter + Oath of Vengeance + Echo Knight Potential Combo Ruling

I was thinking of a new character and had a question about how this would work. You are a Echo Knight (Level 3+) Multiclassed with a Oath of Vengeance Paladin (Level 7+) who has the Tunnel Fighter ...
William Henderson's user avatar
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Can a flying familiar use the Help action to give advantage and then use flyby to avoid being attacked?

As written, can a flying familiar fly to within 5 ft of an enemy, use the Help action to give advantage to an ally's next attack vs that enemy, then immediately fly away out of reach using the Flyby ...
K.L.R.'s user avatar
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Does a move action used as a failed attempt to escape an effect (through a failed check) provoke an attack of opportunity?

This is a magical effect that I am able to get in our Pathfinder 1e game. Any hostile creature must succeed on a Reflex save any time it becomes or starts its turn adjacent to you. A creature that ...
Jedi Wolf's user avatar
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Can forcing an opponent away give an attack of opportunity to an ally? [duplicate]

Assume my ally was fighting an enemy at close range. If I cast a spell, ability, whatever that forced the enemy away, would that trigger an attack of opportunity for my ally?
Keltari's user avatar
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How much damage do giants deal with unarmed strikes?

A lot of monsters have attack descriptions that include using their appendages to hit characters and those appendages generally can't be disarmed. However, giants are unique in that they almost always ...
Pyrotechnical's user avatar
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Party Synergies for Melee Rogue with Sentinel

I'm playing a melee rogue (Arcane Trickster). I'm looking to multiply my sneak attack damage by taking the Sentinel feat to increase the odds of getting to make attacks on someone else's turn. Pro: ...
ShadowRanger's user avatar
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Does trip trigger attack of opportunity when the PC has Improved Unarmed Strike?

Trip You can try to trip an opponent as an unarmed melee attack. You can only trip an opponent who is one size category larger than you, the same size, or smaller. Making a Trip Attack Make an unarmed ...
Terry Windwalker's user avatar
19 votes
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If you are flanking a foe and they provoke an attack of opportunity from moving away, is your attack of opportunity at advantage from the flanking?

When using the optional flanking rules giving advantage on attacks versus a flanked target, if the target tries to move out of reach, are any resulting attacks of opportunity against that target still ...
K.L.R.'s user avatar
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Does Spectral Hand provoke opportunity attacks?

Spectral Hand: You create a semicorporeal hand out of your essence that delivers touch spells for you. Whenever you Cast a Spell with a range of touch, you can have the hand crawl to a target within ...
András's user avatar
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Can you make an opportunity attack at a creature moving past you while you're engaged in combat with a separate creature?

This issue broke my group. One player's character was engaged in combat with a creature. While that character was engaged, another creature not in combat range wanted to move 20 feet from their safe ...
Steven Fabian's user avatar
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Can a Pact of the Chain Warlock use his/her familiar to deliver the warlock's own physical opportunity attack?

When an enemy leaves the reach of a Pact of the Chain warlock, and the warlock gets a physical opportunity attack, can the familiar deliver it to that enemy if both use their reactions?
Cookieman's user avatar
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Does a spellcaster with a shield provide flanking?

I have one hand free for casting spells with somatic components and I wield a shield in my other hand. Do I threaten squares in my melee range for the purposes of providing the flanking bonus to my ...
Petr Hudeček's user avatar
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How would you rule an opportunity attack on Aether Walking?

Aether Walk is the Lvl 7 Skill of the Ghostslayer Bloodhunter and stated as follows: Upon reaching 7th level, at the start of your turn, you can magically step into the veil between the planes as ...
Seron's user avatar
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Does hitting an opponent with an opportunity attack stop their movement?

Disrupting Actions Various abilities and conditions, such as an Attack of Opportunity, can disrupt an action. When an action is disrupted, you still use the actions or reactions you committed and you ...
Luis Fernandez's user avatar
24 votes
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What happens if I provoke reactions from multiple creatures, but the first reaction would prevent me from continuing to provoke those reactions?

Let us picture this scenario: I am standing next to two enemies, and attempt to move directly away from them both, meaning I leave a space in the reach of both. Both of them really want to hit me with ...
vonBoomslang's user avatar
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Does an opportunity attack happen before or after the creature moves?

Well I have a fighter with the "sentinel" trait - which says a creature's movement becomes zero when hit with an opportunity attack. Now I wonder, if a creature moves out of "reach"...
paul23's user avatar
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What is an intuitive, relatively accurate, in-world heuristic for whether an enemy can make an Attack of Opportunity?

One of the design features of Pathfinder Second Edition is to only have a select few creatures, both PCs and foes, having the ability to make an Attack of Opportunity. For PCs, only Fighters get it ...
Vigil's user avatar
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When Opportunity Attacked while moving into Total Cover, does the Target of the Opportunity Attack receive the benefits of three-quarters cover?

SRD, page 76 - Opportunity Attack: You can make an opportunity attack when a hostile creature that you can see moves out of your reach. This question indicates that an Opportunity Attack is made ...
Payden K. Pringle's user avatar
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Opportunity Attacks and move-through-walls [duplicate]

There are a few ways to achieve "this person walks through the wall" in 5e; and I suspect the exact mechanics aren't too important for the question. Suppose I have an enemy backed into a ...
Brondahl's user avatar
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