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28 votes
1 answer

Can a multiclassed Warlock/Abjuration Wizard with Armor of Shadows repeatedly cast Mage Armor to recharge Arcane Ward?

The warlock's Armor of Shadows eldritch invocation (PHB, p. 110) says: You can cast mage armor on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot or material components. The School of Abjuration ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is there a way to get more control spells in Exalted 3E?

Now that Alchemicals is out in draft form, we are experimenting with some of its content, including some of the spells. With its spells added, my Twilight would very much like a second Celestial ...
8 votes
2 answers

In E6, what happens about Hit Points after level 6? Do characters stop gaining HP?

Apologies if this is the incorrect way to ask a question or if it was already answered. In E6, what happens about Hit Points after level 6? Do characters stop gaining HP? I'm keen to try E6, and see ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is there any information on how many Eldar usually live on an Exodite world?

While there is some information on the wiki such as them eschewing technology and being nomadic (making me think that their population is around tens of millions) I could not find anything that says &...
14 votes
1 answer

Starting hit points for Arcane Ward

The PHB (page 115) defines the maximum hit points of the Arcane Ward but not the initial hit points. Arcane Ward The ward has a hit point maximum equal to twice your wizard level + your intelligence ...
1 vote
2 answers

Casting in Shadow Projection form

I have this long and tiring discussion with a friend who claims that casting in Shadow Projection form requires Silent Spell and Still Spell metamagics because "show me where it's written that ...
5 votes
2 answers

What are the maximum bonuses of each type possible?

Different types of bonuses are valued differently by the Pathfinder 1e system. Some, like Enhancement bonuses, are easy to increase to very large amounts. Because duplicate bonuses don't stack, this ...
5 votes
2 answers

Ways to expand a Beguiler's spell list?

Which options exist for a Beguiler in an E6 campaign to expand their spell list? I'm aware of the Beguiler’s own class feature Advanced Learning the feat Arcane Disciple from Complete Divine and the ...
7 votes
1 answer

In D&D, do the gods embodying various alignments *see* themselves as embodying and advocating for those alignments along their other interests?

Depictions of the gods of D&D (across game materials, novels, etc.) might be inconsistent, but as far as I can tell gods acknowledged in game books always get associated with an alignment, and ...
7 votes
3 answers

Where can I find an ability that prevents True Seeing from penetrating a transformation?

Recently, I read a comment or forum post saying that there was an ability, to the best of my recollection it was a feat in a Dragon [Magazine] issue, which would negate true seeing vs. shape changing. ...
-5 votes
0 answers

what background would you suggest for a death domain cleric in dnd 5e 2024 version? [closed]

Background is designed to add a role-playing element to your character customization. You can treat it as such, or treat it as a way to customize your character. Maybe you want to be consistent with ...
10 votes
5 answers

Fastest land speed creature with HD of 8 or less?

In the interest of haunt shifting an undead creature into a carriage and getting the carriage to go fast, I am looking for what the haunting's base creature should be. With templates, most creatures ...
4 votes
1 answer

Has there been a clarification regarding whether the use of 'Get Real' move is encouraged or discouraged?

In the Flying Circus book there is a move called Get Real When you speak the truth from your heart, and they are willing to listen, choose a goal from below, take 1 Stress, and roll +Calm. • Restore ...
10 votes
2 answers

Ways to add the [Good] Descriptor to Spells for Arcane Spellcaster

The 'Consecrate Spell' feat from Book of Exalted Deeds adds the [Good] descriptor to spells cast. Is there another way to achieve this for arcane spellcasters, e.g. as a prestige class feature? The ...
11 votes
2 answers

If you have Sanctuary cast on you, does casting Glibness on yourself end the Sanctuary spell?

Would casting the Glibness spell on yourself count as "casting a spell that affects the enemy creature", for the purpose of determining whether a Sanctuary spell on you ends? Or is it simply a ...
13 votes
2 answers

Does an Emanation extend from the center or the edge of its creature/object of origin?

In the 2024 rules, the Emanation has been added as an Area of Effect. From the Rules Glossary: An Emanation is an area of effect that extends in straight lines from a creature or an object in all ...
8 votes
1 answer

Can you achieve 3 attacks using Dual Wield [Feat], light weapons, and nick?

I had a discussion regarding dual wielding, light weapons and nick - that stated a properly built rouge could get up to 3 attacks per round by level 4. So this is a viability check on that process / ...
3 votes
1 answer

How does the recovery from the stunning effect of the Lightning spell work in the following turns?

In the description of the Lightning spell (Magic, pg. 196), it says a wounded target might be stunned and it describes how the test goes and how to recover from it. It goes as the excerpt below: If ...
7 votes
3 answers

What real-world cultures inspired the various human name examples?

If you look up example names for humans in the D&D 5th edition Player's Handbook, you see a large list of human cultures and multiple names under each category. This web page might have an ...
7 votes
2 answers

How does a simulacrum deal with complications?

In DnD 5e, Simulacrum says: "The simulacrum is friendly to you and creatures you designate. It obeys your spoken commands, moving and acting in accordance with your wishes and acting on your turn ...
5 votes
2 answers

Epic Spellcasting w/ Transform Seed: Likeness of Individual w/ Mental Abilities

The SRD description for Seed: Transform is confusing when it comes to mental abilities (see bolded parts below): The transform seed can also change its target into someone specific. To transform an ...
8 votes
2 answers

What are the Locust Crusades?

In Exalted 3E, the Crucible of Legend, which is essentially the Storytellers handbook, mentions the Locust Crusades a couple of times in relation to the Alchemicals, particularly in a short blurb on ...
5 votes
1 answer

Good items for disarming?

I'm building a human ifrit rogue in Pathfinder 2e, and I've taken the Scorching Disarm feat linked here. I'm struggling to find talismans and magic items that assist with athletics checks for ...
7 votes
1 answer

Can a spell with a Cylinder area of effect have its point of origin higher than the listed height?

The specific example is from a Pathfinder session I was playing in last night. A foe was floating in the air 30' above the ground. I was considering casting Stone Call. The spell has a 40' radius ...
8 votes
4 answers

How to achieve infinite rage?

Is it possible to have infinite rage at level 1 or at least somewhat low level? The Barbarian's Berserker Strength ACF allow that but you are going to start the game with 12HP + CON modifier. Even ...
3 votes
1 answer

How many attacks does a barbarian 5/fighter 5 have in one round? [duplicate]

I have a player who is a barbarian 5/fighter 5. The barbarian gets extra attack at lvl 5. The fighter does as well. Does this multiclass combination thus have 3 attacks per round? Or will it have 2 ...
6 votes
2 answers

How to hide being inside of a magical zone to Detect Magic

My group is on a quest to find a wizard's spellbook, hidden in the place where the wizard secluded himself 30 years ago. During the campaign, the party has come to suspect that the wizard might still ...
12 votes
1 answer

What does being prone do in Shadowrun fifth edition?

What benefits and restrictions does being prone apply to a character? I first came across this question when an enemy used suppressive fire against my group. The rules say you can drop prone in ...
22 votes
1 answer

Can Hurl through Hell affect a Tarrasque?

Hurl through Hell (HtH) is the level 14 Otherworldly Patron feature for a Fiend Warlock. The tarrasque is not resistant or immune to psychic damage, is not a fiend, and is capable of being teleported ...
8 votes
4 answers

How game-breaking would a house-rule letting spellcasters prepare new spells at any time be?

Spellcasters that prepare spells have nearly identical rulings when and how they can do so (emphasis mine): You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a ...
22 votes
4 answers

Knowledge of aboleth tentacle disease

The party is currently on and may soon face an aboleth, which they know nothing about in-game. I have never run one before, but am looking at their tentacle attack: Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +...
6 votes
2 answers

Does an Extraordinary Opportunity confer any net benefit?

The Bastion Events Table is used to determine events at your bastion. Essentially, this gives you a 50% chance that nothing happens. An Extraordinary Opportunity allows you to re-roll, for the ...
12 votes
4 answers

My group is too big for my game, how to manage this situation?

So I may have a happy problem. I just finished a game with a group of five players, all of them enjoyed it and we've been talking about the next game we would start. None of them are problem players, ...
2 votes
1 answer

Help with a venom/poison ranged D&D 3.5

Can you guys help me with a build for ranged attacks infused? DM allows all 3.5 books. Was looking for a strong venom build
19 votes
3 answers

Does the Martial Adept superiority dice scale up alongside the Battle Master fighter's superiority dice if you acquire the subclass after the feat?

Assume two 1st level Rogues, Alice and Beatrice. Alice gained 3 levels of Rogue and on her 4th level of Rogue, instead of an ability score increase she picked up the Martial Adept feat. She later ...
9 votes
1 answer

Does taking a Multiclass Archetype make a PC count as a member of that class for effects?

For example, if the party Barbarian has Witch Warden and their Wizard ally took the Witch Dedication, would they count as a 'Witch' when they cast Fireball on the Barbarian giving them the bonus to ...
4 votes
2 answers

How can I get this explode function in AnyDice to work?

Ok this isn't the most technical question, but I want to create a decaying explode function, and I can't get it to work. here is what I currently have, but the ideas is that every time the die ...
8 votes
2 answers

Does "occupied space" include terrain?

The 2024 Player's Handbook defines (in the glossary) "occupied space" this way: A space is occupied if a creature is in it or if it is completely filled by objects. An "object" ...
2 votes
1 answer

Looking for PF1 equivalent of Benign and Baleful Transposition

Benign and baleful transposition are spells from D&D 3.5e that teleport two creatures to each other’s former locations. Benign transposition is lower-level, and can only be cast on the caster’s ...
5 votes
1 answer

How does an Imp change shape into a boar?

So I was reading through the Imp stat block and saw it had the following line: change shape (boar, giant spider, rat, or raven, beast shape I) The change shape ability specifies though: A creature ...
17 votes
4 answers

Does casting Web interrupt the spell Sanctuary?

Does casting web interrupt the spell sanctuary on the caster? If yes, in which moment? Let us consider the case in which there is an enemy creature in the area covered by the web. Maybe it can be ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Disguise Self but illusion looks like it does different things

I have this one illusion spell at the back of my mind but can't remember the name. What it's supposed to do is create illusion of you, exactly where you're standing (kind of like Disguise Self) but ...
0 votes
0 answers

Can Eldritch Blast (with multiple blasts) be used as a Warcaster opportunity attack? [duplicate]

The War Caster feat says: When a hostile creature's movement provokes an opportunity attack from you, you can use your reaction to cast a spell at the creature, rather than making an opportunity ...
18 votes
2 answers

Are there any spells that can damage several enemies but not allies?

After the first round of combat, the party and the enemy usually get intermixed, not a great time for a Fireball. There are several control spells that target individual enemies like Fear (heightened),...
22 votes
9 answers

What's a good way to introduce the player-characters in the first session of a campaign?

New GM here. I have been a player before but am going to start being a GM. I was wondering how I bring all the players together. A tavern seems way too generic and I saw other GMs (Brennan Lee ...
17 votes
2 answers

If a hidden creature attempts to attack another creature warded with the Sanctuary spell and fails the Wisdom save, is the warded creature alerted?

If a hidden creature attempts to attack another creature warded with the sanctuary spell and fails the Wisdom save, is the warded creature alerted? If I'm wandering the woods as a monk with sanctuary ...
8 votes
1 answer

War Caster opportunity attack spell clarifications

The War Caster feat gives the ability to cast certain spells as reactions, which creates some ambiguous rules. So far I've found: Command: the spell states that the creature must do a specified ...
2 votes
2 answers

Are there any options for druid damage caster to get anywhere near Fireball Trick damage?

Looking for a way (spells, feats and features to compliment/boost those spells) to make druid at least half as good at damaging enemies with spells as Fireball Trick sorcerer is. Context: level 14, ...
2 votes
1 answer

Does Sanctuary end on a familiar that delivers a touch spell?

Updates to Sanctuary and Find Familiar since the 2014 rules1 have led to new considerations regarding the interaction between these spells. Sanctuary ends if: ... the warded creature makes an attack ...
4 votes
2 answers

Anydice - Complex dice pool system, with d6s, d8s, d4s, and half-sucessess

I'm a complete dumbass when it comes to math and stats, but really want to design ttrpgs. My game uses a dice pool of d6s, that can be upgraded or downgrade to d8s or d4s. Players will roll mostly d6s ...

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